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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Cody

  1. Well this is certainly something I didn't see coming, funny what nostalgia and a google search can come up with.
  2. The only suggestion I'll make is to make some of your forums available to the public. You're more likely to earn recurring traffic and new registrants if they have a little something to introduce them to the community.
  3. I put the success of Forumcore/IPBCore on the clever, intuitive and incredibly attractive staff team at the time! *Cough* WOO! *cough*
  4. Sounds like Phun needs a hug and helping hand.
  5. I said my part, paid my dues. Now I reap the rewards, I poke my head in every now and again, but I'm not exactly bussling with conversation. Though I'm certainly not interested in having my account deleted. I do have a certain history here.
  6. Security is going to be a huge issue, be sure to triple check your steps.
  7. Greetings, true believers!

  8. Man it's been a while. Hey everybody! :D

  9. I'm back and stuff! My hammer shines through <3

  10. Reminds me of the Xbox 360 Dashboard background O-o
  11. Trying my hand at Electronica based music. GOD I SUCK!

    1. Justin™


      Color blind and tone tone deaf too, lol.

    2. Cody


      SO RUDE Justin, SO RUDE!

  12. Cody


    AH, MY EYES!
  13. I knew there was something odd about that damn Unicorn...
  14. In the Installation file for Unreal Portal, it explains how to make the portal your homepage
  15. Dragon Ball Z was always a very vibrant show. sharp and crisp. Your banners have style but bring out some brightness and color to really make them pop. You can still adjust opacity without making the image super super dark.
  16. Easy as 1 2 3. Here you go, http://www.mediafire.com/?l0mydflppe83i3g
  17. Evarni has already laid the smack down on me for this one. I learned that less is more the hard way. What he says is true. This isn't to say that you can't add more forums later on. Just make sure there is a demand for them!
  18. Online Piracy can be linked to car theft, Only thing is, your car is still there in the morning.

    1. Desire



      That ad always made no sense to me.

      Of course I would steal music, that's what the internet is for, downloading straight from Beatport and Soundcloud.

  19. Any free lance work should be kept strictly between the client and the coder through Private message. Since you're only doing business with one person based on their preferences and order list, having a section for it on the forum would be next to useless. All things regarding billing, color schemes, custom code or other works can be easily discussed privately through E-mail or again, personal message.
  20. I use them for test sites, but not public releases. If you plan to go full scale, take the time to secure yourself a proper name.
  21. Having used everything from MyBB, to PHPBB, IPB, Xen and vBulletin I've had the opportunity to browse Control panels, Forum Layouts and Active Moderation, I've narrowed it down to two choices. MyBB, being a free alternative, is something I would actually pay money for. It's an open source script and everything can be modified, customized and changed. You can quite literally get rid of any connection to MyBB and make it look like something completely new. The only thing that I haven't been able to change to my satisfactory is the User Info Bread crumb or the "Userinfopane" as much of the IPB users know it as. The bold italic lettering and thick imaging is the one thing that turned me off MyBB. And than of course there's IP. Board with it's awesome and easy to use Moderation and Administration Panels, it's stable, reliable and wide arrange of Modifications and Add-ons and of course, the premium spam protection from a Valid IPB License (Man I miss my License) The only thing that bothers me about IP. Board is it can be very hard to fully customize unless you know what you're doing. Much of the time, IP. Board always looks an IP. Board simply due to the way it's laid out. There are exceptions to this of course (Take for example Tom Christians X-Gaming skin) From a first glance, you never would have guess that it was IP. Board. Other than that, I love everything about it.
  22. No, I joke. It's just Cody. Figured I would make a new Topic since It's a new Website. Seems appropriate right? .... Right!? Anyway, my name is Cody, yes that's my real name I stopped using screen names as I ran out of Creativity due to the excess amount of time I spend in front of a screen (Seriously, read a book!) I'm a 20 year old Would-be Web Dev from the Great White North. I also Moderated ForumCore for almost a year, and am now awaiting to be re-instated. The public has mad it very clear that it shall be "4 more years of White hat!" As whenever I try to change my avatar, people insist on yelling at me. I guess I've left my mark on the good people who spend time here. I do have Skype, though it's for personal use, so if you need to get a hold of me for whatever reason, feel free to send me a message and I may hand it out. Can't have my skype getting flooded Overall, let me say that it's great to be back and I'm excited to see what lay down the road for the new site. Cheers to fond memories and Happy beginnings.
  23. I have a new avatar for 10 minutes! And all I get is "Bring back White hat!" I like new things to you know! D:

  24. I need my moderators to have people skills, not afraid to communicate with others and I need to be able to trust these people. If I don't think I can rely on my staff, they don't last long.
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