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  1. I don't think it's an hosting problem because a person who has replied to this topic has the same problem with the same ipb version, so i think it's a problem within the 3.4.5 WF nulled version. edit: it happens to everyone, it doesn't do this every single time you hit refresh but it happens alot.
  2. Okay so every once in a while when someone refreshes the forums with the refresh button the forums mess up. example: im using 3.4.5 btw when we click on forums or hit enter in the browser it doesn't mess up like this, this only happens when you click Refresh. Hope somebody can help
  3. Hey webflake, i was wondering where i can add a table on top of the boards. i'm using ipb 3.4.5 example: like the Ranks, News and Info table. Help is appreciated.
  4. yeah but the problem is, i really need the hook.
  5. Okay so everything is working fine with the (TB) Group Format hook enabled. But when you click on "View New Content" A whole list of warnings pop up on top and when you scroll down you can see the new content. warnings: Warning: Illegal string offset 'member_id Warning: Illegal string offset 'members_seo_name Warning: Illegal string offset 'pp_small_photo Warning: Illegal string offset 'alt Warning: Illegal string offset 'members_display_name There are atleast 10-30 of them... If somebody could help me out it would be highly appreciated.
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