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  1. minecraft colors or icons mite help.most game server forums are dark skins nowadays
  2. User-agent: * Disallow: /admin/ Disallow: /cache/ Disallow: /converge_local/ Disallow: /hooks/ Disallow: /ips_kernel/ Disallow: /retail/ Disallow: /public/style_captcha/ Disallow: /index.php?app=core&module=task Disallow: /index.php?app=forums&module=moderate&section=moderate Disallow: /index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=forward Disallow: /index.php?app=members&module=chat Disallow: /index.php?&unlockUserAgent=1 Disallow: /*&module=search Allow: /*&search_tags= Disallow: /*app=core&module=global&section=reputation Disallow: /*app=core&module=usercp Disallow: /*app=members&module=messaging Disallow: /*&p= Disallow: /*&pid= Disallow: /*&hl= Disallow: /*&start= Disallow: /*view__getnewpost$ Disallow: /*view__getlastpost$ Disallow: /*view__old$ Disallow: /*view__new$ Disallow: /*view__getfirst$ Disallow: /*view__getprevious$ Disallow: /*view__getnext$ Disallow: /*view__getlast$ Disallow: /*&view=getnewpost$ Disallow: /*&view=getlastpost$ Disallow: /*&view=old$ Disallow: /*&view=new$ Disallow: /*&view=getfirst$ Disallow: /*&view=getprevious$ Disallow: /*&view=getnext$ Disallow: /*&view=getlast$ Disallow: /*?s= Disallow: /*&s= Disallow: /index.php?app=core&module=global&section=login&do=deleteCookies Disallow: /index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=rating Disallow: /index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=markasread Disallow: /*&do=who Disallow: /*&section=dname
  3. System Settings > Forums > Topics, Posts and Polls > Show uploaded images in post as images = no
  4. did you try rebuild post content.there was a bug in ipb that caused the same problem for all of us that tried it in the past.are you using 3.4.6
  5. try this hook http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/4621-groups-daily-poststhread-limits/
  6. simply find in global template for each skin u want to change and reorder or delete which tabs you want to
  7. ip downloads and ip nexus is what ips uses. you can change public tab options to call it marketplace and ip nexus will give you the client area etc
  8. is the problem occuring on all themes or just the shift theme?
  9. the blink tag is not supported in all browsers and i think is to be discontinued
  10. ive been looking for this tutorial everywhere,thanks for the share mate
  11. else check its not f_icon_read.png that you are trying to change
  12. try enabling flood control this may stopped double topics as the board will think the second topic is breaking the flood rule and stop it
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