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Everything posted by FlinTY

  1. yes thats correct, depending on what skin you have the bar thats says pinned in it will always be different on anyones skin
  2. goto ACP > OTHER APPS > PORTAL and you will see this if you scroll down click yes and adjust the height to what ever you want it to be
  3. Just install the ipb 3.4.3 over the 3.3.4, when your done go to yourdomain.com/admin/upgrade/index.php
  4. what version of IPB do you have and what version of hide content do you have, because i had the same problem with hide content and i solved it by uninstalling the (TB) Hide Content 3.0.6 and re-installing the new one (TB) Hide Content 3.0.7 which you can find here , but i don't know anything to do with the ajax thanks button as mine is fine
  5. 154 downloads

    This Is The Scrolling Text BBcode With {options}
  6. 52 downloads

    This Will Create A Xbox Live Avatar By Using [avatar] As The BBcode
  7. For Some Reason I went on my website this morning and it said there was 299 most online users but then i had a look at the Most members ever online in one day in the board statistics and it only says i don't understand because yesterday i only had 89 most online And all i want to do is reset it back to 89 is this possible or not but if it is how do i do it
  8. Go to ACP >> Look & Feel >> Choose Your Skin >> Go to Forum view and Select Forumindextemplate And Search for <tr class='header hide'> by pressing ctrl F you will see all this: <tr class='header hide'> <th scope='col' class='col_f_icon'>&nbsp;</th> <th scope='col' class='col_f_topic'>{$this->lang->words['forum_topic']}</th> <th scope='col' class='col_f_starter short'>{$this->lang->words['forum_started_by']}</th> <th scope='col' class='col_f_views stats'>{$this->lang->words['forum_stats']}</th> <if test="canSeeLastInfoHeader:|:$this->memberData['gbw_view_last_info']"><th scope='col' class='col_f_post'>{$this->lang->words['forum_last_post_info']}</th></if> <if test="topicsismod:|:$this->memberData['is_mod'] == 1"> <th scope='col' class='col_f_mod short'><input type='checkbox' id='tmod_all' class='input_check' title='{$this->lang->words['topic_select_all']}' value='1' /></th> </if> </tr> <!-- BEGIN TOPICS --> <if test="hastopics:|:is_array( $topic_data ) AND count( $topic_data )"> <foreach loop="topics:$topic_data as $tid => $data"> {parse template="topic" group="forum" params="$data, $forum_data, $other_data, $inforum"} </foreach>[/html] and replace with this: [html] <tr class='subhead altbar'> <th scope='col' colspan='<if test="endannouncements:|:$this->memberData['is_mod'] == 1">6<else />5</if>'> <if test="$this->hasPinned=0">Forum Topics</if><if test="$this->hasPinned=1">Pinned Topics</if> </th> </tr> </if> <!-- BEGIN TOPICS --> <if test="hastopics:|:is_array( $topic_data ) AND count( $topic_data )"> {parse striping="forumTable" classes="row1,row2"} <foreach loop="topics:$topic_data as $tid => $data"> <if test="$data['pinned']"> <if test="$this->hasPinned=1"> </if><else /> <if test="$this->hasPinned"> <if test="$this->hasPinned=0"> </if> <tr class='subhead altbar'> <th scope='col' colspan='<if test="endannouncements:|:$this->memberData['is_mod'] == 1">6<else />5</if>'> Forum Topics </th> </tr> </if> </if> {parse template="topic" group="forum" params="$data, $forum_data, $other_data, $inforum"} </foreach> preview:
  9. its okay now i just set the 0 in acp so thanks anyways
  10. thanks it worked perfect, but now could you tell me how do i delete a warning if given to a member and i would like mine the way yours is set, do i have to swap a code a round or what to make it look like your warning code
  11. Sorry I did forget ye you gotta use that app as well, my bad just forgot my heads not with it
  12. you are wrong as I use that code myself as a navigation tab and it works perfect
  13. where it says moderating team at the bottom of your page on your website click on it and copy the URL and change the URL in the code to the URL you just copied
  14. It will take you to a page, with all their previous warnings (if any). Click on the 'Warn Member' button on the right side of the screen. Then fill out the form (Reason for warnings, note to member, note to moderators, etc.) please look at the picture i posted above I don't have warnings on any of the members userinfopane's in topics
  15. look i can't: http://gyazo.com/2c19e9582f8de33cda93abac2c2a3058 and yes it is, but isn't there a button or something where i press so i can warn members
  16. This might be a stupid question but on my site i have looked all over to warn a member, where is it?
  17. in the portal setting its shows this: http://gyazo.com/ec64ed3336f46bd00d0c6e8955ed637b well select a forum which you want to display on your homepage in the drop down menu as you can see in the picture and make sure you select yes on show news
  18. if its okay with the webflake staff, i can send you a nulled version of IPB 3.4.2 IPmafia.ru one, i did previously released it on here when it was forumcore, so if its okay with staff i will send you it
  19. found the problem, the contact form app hid the forum setting in system settings
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