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Everything posted by FlinTY

  1. How do i add different groups to use cometchat example: i have a group call VIP Members and i want it so VIP and above get to use the cometchat and The Groups below don't get it
  2. i really would like to know what this is, i see it above other people shoutbox's
  3. you can try this you have IPB 3.4.2 or look underneath the editor to make sure html is ticked of
  4. i'm using concise and using the horizontal userinfo
  5. where about in the post template
  6. check out this for prevent 1 admin from being deleted but i'm trying to find out the one for prevent 1 admin from being demoted
  7. Is this a code or a hook and i don't mean this hook
  8. solved thanks to exterminator but that wasn't the problem has it was the permissions for for css and cache
  9. I have installed arrowchat and it hasn't show up on my board and i've checked the code it tells you to put in and thats fine but its just not showing up, and i have been to this arrowchat/public/debug/ to check if anything is up but nothing
  10. try this in acp > skin and templates > your skin > css > ips_styles and press cntrl + f and search for body { then under body { you will see font-weight: bold or bolder just delete that line and save but if not i don't no
  11. if you have 3.4.2 please use this
  12. This tutorial is how to prevent other users with admin powers to delete the main admin account (usually ID no.1) Open file: adminapplicationsmembersmodules_adminmembersmembers.phpFind: by pressing cntrl + f $ids = IPSLib::cleanIntArray( $ids ); Add above: if( in_array( 1, $ids ) ) { $this->registry->output->global_message = "Can't remove main admin account. Sorry."; $this->request['do'] = 'members_list'; $this->_memberList(); return; }the click save
  13. goto: ACP > SKINS AND TEMPLATES > click on your skin > CHOOSE CSS then choose ipb_styles.css then press cntrl + f and search for .maintitle { and under the .maintitle { you will see background change that to what ever color you want
  14. get the files and upload them into your FTP basically overwriting the previous ones but don't upload config.php
  15. you won't lose them if you upgrade, just overwrite IPB 3.3.4 with IPB 3.4.3 and then upgrade yoursite.com/admin/upgrade/index.php
  16. When i click on the bbcode button in my shoutbox i get this: does anyone no what the problem is
  17. doesn't work i have tried this hundred of times and never worked and this is easy to add to global templates before anyone starts saying have you put it in the right place
  18. only way is to reset it back to 0 in ACP or set the warning as remove after so many hours/days but apart from that i don't no
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