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Everything posted by BlackShot

  1. Hey folks, I'm using the Donations plugin to assign the "Donor" group as the primary group for regular members. For other members, like mods and admins, I'm assigning it as a secondary group. But what's happening is that regular members are getting "Donor" both as primary and secondary groups, which duplicates some visual things like titles. Is there a workaround for this? Or a way to make the forum check for members that have equal primary and secondary groups and remove the secondary group automatically? Thanks! I could assign the Donor group as a secondary group only, for all members, but then the group formatting wouldn't apply to them. Maybe I'll make a topic about that.
  2. I just found a plugin to hide those annoying notifications. I've uploaded it here on Webflake but it's pending approval. Still, here's the link for when it's live:
  3. Version 1.0.0


    This will let you get rid of Invision notifications and warnings - the ones that take up lots of visual space from the admin panel. You can still see the notifications from the upper-right icon, or change the settings to your taste. Credits are in the XML file. Whoever you are, thank you for making this plugin available. ?
  4. He wants Secondary groups to display first. In my case, that'd be rather useful, as I have different formatting for donors and most of them have it as a secondary group, which means the formatting doesn't really get applied in this case.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Updated version that works with 4.5. It also makes it optional for users to inform their full birthday - or just day and month.
  6. @whoopiedoo @jorgerafael Were you guys able to download this plugin? https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/9802-instagram-facebook-oembed/ It's a free plugin, but I can't download it either. I still don't have an active Invision license.
    Would you be able to share the most recent version with us, @tytanminos? ? https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7331-birthday-in-registration-screen/
  7. I figured that. You're right! I'm not familiar with creating hooks, but I guess it shouldn't be that hard, right? If you have any links/instructions to share, feel free to do so! I'll appreciate it. Thanks for all the help BTW!
  8. Had I only seen your message before, haha! But I'd like your opinion here. I actually did some digging myself and edited login.php in applications > core > modules > front > system. There, I changed the following code: /* Did we just log in? */ if ( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id and isset( \IPS\Request::i()->_fromLogin ) ) { \IPS\Output::i()->redirect( \IPS\Http\Url::internal('') ); } To: /* Are we logged in already? */ if ( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id ) { \IPS\Output::i()->redirect( \IPS\Http\Url::internal('') ); } Seems to have worked. What do you think of my method? Any downsides?
  9. Hi folks, So, my domain's main page is IPB's login one. I chose to do that because it's easier for my user base to sign in. Some are older and have issues finding the login/register button. But if logged in users access the domain's main page, they'll also be redirected to the login page again. They might not know that they're already logged in and will do so again. Is there a way to force-redirect logged in users to the forum's main page? Thanks!
  10. Yea, possibly. It's just kinda annoying to close it every single day. Would be nice if someone figured a way to hide it with a code.
  11. Am I the only one having this issue? ? I do have a code, added to custom.css, shared by @Head Guru on the topic below. But as I'm not a programmer, I have no clue how to include another notification type in it.
  12. Awesome, thank you! I'm downloading it right now and will test it. It says it's compatible with 4.4 but there should be no issues on 4.5, right?
  13. Does anyone know how to get rid of that? I'm already on the latest update (v4.5.4.2) and it keeps popping up every day. BTW, doing what the notification says didn't resolve the issue.
  14. Same here. Instagram posts won't embed.
  15. Hi, Here, you can access the topic and see its title even if you're not registered, but you can only see the content if you're logged in. I wanted to do the same thing on my forums. How could I do so? Thanks!
  16. I'm sorry if I'm necroing this, but I just wanna understand how the process works exactly. When I move the extracted files to the main folder on cPanel, what does it do? It replaces all of them? If so, how does it keep the changes I've made in some files, like "conf_global.php"? How does it keep any changes at all? Or it doesn't? I'm confused ? @Jeffrey
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