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Everything posted by rolandsaven

  1. After further checking, there is a bug in the app, so if you have gone through all the upgrades i.e. v1.0.0 -> v1.0.1 -> v1.0.2 and in particular hit v1.0.4 -> v1.0.5 then you would have the correct database. However, I assume you have gone the straight install of v1.1.2 route (which is the most obvious) which causes this issue. The developers have made a mistake of not including this column in the install script of the application and tbh it seems like they have missed a few other bits too. So I would not be surprised if there are other errors. agree with @洛根 (๖̶̶̶ۣۣۜۜ͜ζ͜͡Logan) get the latest version (if there is one at all) from the uploader that might fixes the issue.... but otherwise you have these options: get a developer who looks at each upgrade script and fixes your database manually (each version contain all previous versions's upgrade script) get a developer who can execute these upgrade scripts one by one (each version contain all previous versions's upgrade script) try to get the earliest version (v1.0.4 or even v1.0.0 as there are few bugs I can see already) uninstall the app and install earliest, upgrade it with the latest you have (v1.1.2) - NOTE: This might cause data loss, so I recommend a backup of the db. More detail on Invision's website for devs https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/docs/development/applications/versions-and-upgrading-your-application-r51/
  2. Hello @Pleasuree, I had a quick look at this application and the `my_daily_points` column was only introduced in version 1.0.5. So you mind be using an outdated version or Member Shop was not installed/upgraded properly. This was also described in the following topic.
  3. Hi, It should work with `mod_cloudflare` for now, but we should keep in mind that that it's deprecated. Cloudflare no longer updates and supports `mod_cloudflare` and they recommend to use `mod_remoteip`. As far as I know there is not much difference between the two in terms of configuration. There are some instructions: https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/360029696071-Restoring-original-visitor-IPs-Option-2-Installing-mod-remoteip-with-Apache Note: be careful not to enable both at the same time as the server will crash if they both try to set the remote IP to a different value.
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