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  1. Is there a way to install this > http://www.devfuse.com/forums/files/file/340-hilight-bbcodes/ on IPB 4.1 OR Make something like on Webflake
  2. ps - You can edit Message as you wish..
  3. Problem solved via Team Viewer..
  4. can you explain more with screenshots too...
  5. It's Depends on Your User groups.
  6. Go to ACP > Members > Search your name (As screen Shows) Go to Profile.
  7. Owner Try Both. But still the same...
  8. When i go to ModCP > Announcements and try to make an announcement but it says "Sorry, you don't have permission for that!" How do i fix this. ps - i am the admin
  9. Go to ACP > Look & Feel > Easy Logo Changer Then select the skin & Upload the image.
  10. If you want to send a warning to user. first go to the member profile(Member who that need to be warned) Or just click the "warning point" as your screen shows. Then you can warn member. And i think you are talking about Reputation system. You can select reputation system ACP > System Settings > Members > Reputation System > Then select "Reputation type" (Both Positive & Negative Reputation as Webflake)
  11. Recache Skin Sets solved the problem. Rep added & problem solved..
  12. When i change my theme to IP.BOARD(Default) following errors occurred.. How do i fix them?.
  13. yes mods & admins ip's are hidden from everyone..
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