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Everything posted by Yuu

  1. ACP -> Look & Feel -> Your Skin -> boardIndexTemplate. Find this: <if test="onlineListEnabled:|:$this->settings['allow_online_list']">&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='{parse url="app=members&amp;module=online&amp;sort_order=desc" base="public"}'>({$this->lang->words['online_link']})</a></if> And remove it.
  2. ACP -> Look & Feel -> Your Skin -> Board Index -> boardIndexTemplate. 1) Find this: <a href="{parse url="showforum={$__data[0]}" seotitle="{$__data[2]}" template="showforum" base="public"}" title='{parse expression="IPSText::striptags( IPSText::htmlspecialchars($__data[1]) )"}'>{$__data[1]}</a><if test="isNotLast:|: empty($__data[4] )">,</if> Replace with this: <a href="{parse url="showforum={$__data[0]}" seotitle="{$__data[2]}" template="showforum" base="public"}" title='{parse expression="IPSText::striptags( IPSText::htmlspecialchars($__data[1]) )"}'>{$__data[1]}</a><if test="isNotLast:|: empty($__data[4] )"></if> 2) Find this: <p class='desc __forum_desc ipsType_small'>{$forum_data['description']}</p> Copy it then remove it, then find this: <if test="showSubForums:|:$forum_data['show_subforums'] AND count( $forum_data['subforums'] ) AND $forum_data['show_subforums']"> <br /> Then paste the 1st code below the code you just found.
  3. ACP -> Look & Feel -> Your Skin -> userInfoPane. Find this: <if test="authorwarn:|:$author['show_warn']">Add this above it: <li> Reputation: {$author['pp_reputation_points']} </li>
  4. Go to your ACP -> Members -> Member Groups -> Manage Member Groups -> Your Group -> Global (tab) Then scroll down until you see this: And use the same settings I have in the image.
  5. It's there by default, no need for a hook or app. Go to your profile > Edit My Profile > Profile Customization
  6. Keep your hopes high, and your head down low.

  7. Are you sure you're in the right template? And which skin are you using?
  8. Oops, accidentally pasted the wrong part, my bad. It should be: #community_app_menu > li > a {
  9. ACP -> Look & Feel -> Your Skin -> CSS -> ipb_styles.css Look for this: #community_app_menu > li And edit that part of the CSS to however you want.
  10. Yuu

    learn PHP

    https://phpacademy.org/ (1 out of 200 videos)Just google "PHP for beginners", and find a site if you prefer reading, or a video set if you prefer videos.
  11. Wherever you found out how to change the color, do the same thing except use this code: background: url(YourImageLinkHere.png) ;
  12. Yeah, I might be selling this in the Marketplace section when it's finished, if anyone's interested in it. Moar updates. I haz them. Board index update: Board index (with search bar & staff links showing): Enough updates for now, I'll post again once it's finished.
  13. Small update for the post-bit. Decided to add a little bit of font-awesome into the skin. Working on bbcodes next, then small edits where they're needed. Then search bar, admin bar, etc.
  14. Well, since I have no sense of design, I decided that I would convert an HTML/CSS template into an IP.Board skin. I started about a week ago, but haven't really worked on it lately due to Developer's Block. :S I'm not sure what to do next, and I know for a fact I'm not finished with it. Some features that I plan on adding: (Maybe) Color / Background changer (similar to the original template) Recent Topics, Recent Status Updates, and Tags in the footer (similar to the original template) (Still trying to figure this out) Some jQuery features (smooth scroll to top, show/hide the search bar, etc.) Guest message If you have any suggestions for it, feel free to post them. The original version: http://skywarriorthemes.com/oblivion/forums/ What I have so far: Board Index: Post-bit: Let me know what you think so far.
  15. 2 questions, just to clear up some things I've been wondering about. 1) I already have a ripping service topic open. Can I create another topic for ( for example ) a service about skin converting? Or a service for custom skin creation? 2) Are marketplace topics allowed to be bumped? Any at all (hiring, selling, or trading)?
  16. These are some really great drawing, I like them. Good job on them, keep it up!
  17. You've got a lot of messed up HTML there. And you should put <style> tags before the closing </head> tag, not after.. Just wanted to let you know that.
  18. Ehh, the only thing I like is the background and the login/register boxes, although the font needs to be changed on a few elements on those. The logo for SimpeGamers could be better, along with the top bar and footer (I know, it's still being worked on, but the colors & etc.).
  19. Did you also upload the images for them? And are you sure the images are there in the correct directory, and are uploaded?
  20. ACP -> Look & Feel -> Your Skin1. inside the globalTemplate, find this: <a href="/" title="Go to community index" class="textLogo" rel="home" accesskey="1">WebFlake</a>Change where it says Webflake 2. inside the globalTemplate, find this and remove it: <li id="nav_menu_1" class="left skip_moremenu "> <a id="nav_menu_1_trigger" href="/" title="">Drop Down <span class="dropdownIndicator"></span></a> <div id="nav_menu_1_menucontent" class="submenu_container clearfix boxShadow" style="display: none; position: absolute; z-index: 9999;"> <div class="left" style="z-index: 10000;"> <ul class="submenu_links" style="z-index: 10000;"> <li class="submenu_li" style="z-index: 10000;"><a href="/">Test</a></li> <li class="submenu_li" style="z-index: 10000;"><a href="/">Test</a></li> <li class="submenu_li" style="z-index: 10000;"><a href="/">Another Test</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> 3. inside the globalTemplate, find and remove this: <b>Network:</b> <li><a href="http://WebFlake.net/" target="_blank"><span style="color:orangered;">WebFlake </span></a> |........</li> 4. Go to your CSS -> skin_custom.css and find this: #sc-container, .sc-width { margin: 0 auto; min-width: 990px; max-width: 1178px; width: 96%;} And change where it says width: 96%; to whatever you want (Ex: 1020px or 85%).
  21. It's broken, I don't think it has worked for anybody yet.
  22. Step 1) (Same thing as the original tutorial) Step 2) Find this: .wrapper{ margin: 0 auto; min-width: 980px; max-width: 1600px; width: 90%;}Change it to this: .wrapper{ margin: 0 auto; min-width: 980px; max-width: 1600px; width: 980px;}Step 3) (Same thing as the original tutorial) Step 4) Copy/paste this code and save it as "boardwidth.js" and upload it to FTP -> public_html -> public -> (Your Skin Name): On the deflection skin, the animation acts weird, so if you don't want the animation, use this code instead:
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