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Everything posted by theoldm

  1. Mostly web search as well movies sometimes.
  2. Good to test it from time to time, but my main browser Chrome, many years with it, consider the adds on, it great one.
  3. Corsair keyboard is fine, the mouse on the hand is not good, for the wheel issue, is easy to break.
  4. I used to use Kaspersky since day one, way when it only offer antivirus, but lately it more than trouble than helpful to protect, I just use windows default, and some browser add-on, and then my second PC is freebsd.
  5. Right now I will go for bmw x7
  6. I agree with the above port, also they have good support.
  7. Always best to be on latest build of a product company, as here IPB 4.4.x (latest build) as the other said, for update security and other stuff.
  8. Linux come a long way for GUI as well running day to day app's for "desktop" matters, I am not gaming guy so can not really say about that.
  9. Hi, I am with IPS since day one, but what you are looking for for a switch from the software you using now?
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