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Everything posted by OrcaDigital

  1. In relation to blocking malware etc, I would look for a host with something like CageFS that scans everything that is uploaded to the server and instantly rejects it if there is any malware or viruses detected. Aslong as you have the disable_functions on your IPB community then you should not have any issues with SQL attacks. I have been using IPB for around 4 years and never experienced a SQL attack even on nulled and cracking forums.
  2. For my large scale clients eCommerce websites i tend to use Magento. So far it is the best I have come across when running large online stores.
  3. PC Gaming is so far superior to any console gaming. I have owned both console and PC. I would say PC is more competitive gaming where as console is laid back chill gaming.
  4. I had a free trial to apple music with my mobile phone company. I must of used it twice. I am not sure why but I just prefer Spotify
  5. I have used both IPB and XenForo for a number of clients, I would say you can do more advanced things on XenForo but IPB is cleaner and better to use.
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