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The General

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Everything posted by The General

  1. 39 downloads

    [color=rgb(102,102,102)][font=Arial][size=2]Meteor is a fully featured Retina Responsive WordPress theme. Every little detail from User Interface to Development has been carefully thought, to provide you the best tools available for the job in the admin. This results in an extremely clean and elegant design, and a pleasure to work with.[/size][/font][/color] [color=rgb(102,102,102)][font=Arial][size=2]Demo: [/size][/font][/color][url="http://www.lolinez.com/?http://themeforest.net/item/meteor-retina-responsive-wordpress-theme/5029209"]http://themeforest.net/item/meteor-retina-responsive-wordpress-theme/5029209[/url]
  2. 101 downloads

    [color=rgb(102,102,102)][font=Arial][size=2]Book Your Travel – Online Booking WordPress Theme is a responsive WordPress Theme ideal for booking portals, travel agencies, hotels, bed and breakfasts, guest houses, villas, etc. or travel blogs, but it would suit for any business with slight customizations.[/size][/font][/color] [color=rgb(102,102,102)][font=Arial][size=2]Demo: [/size][/font][/color][url="http://www.lolinez.com/?http://themeforest.net/item/book-your-travel-online-booking-wordpress-theme/5632266"]http://themeforest.net/item/book-your-travel-online-booking-wordpress-theme/5632266[/url]
  3. Version 1.03


    [color=rgb(51,51,51)][font=Cabin][size=3]Viteeo is the theme for creatives and professionals. Packed with great and usable features, its the perfect solution for when you want to built a super duper theme for your next project.[/size][/font][/color]
  4. -Cracks Knucles- time to get to work

  5. 32 downloads

    [color=rgb(68,68,68)][font=Tahoma][size=3][background=rgb(210,209,208)] [b]ER Leaf[/b] is clean, modern and lightweight Responsive WordPress Theme. We designed this theme for your business. You can easy customize as you want by using over 100+ shortcodes and many options include. ER Leaf [b]Ready for WordPress 3.8[/b][/background][/size][/font][/color][color=rgb(68,68,68)][font=Tahoma][size=3][background=rgb(210,209,208)] [img]http://everislabs.com/envato/er_leaf_wp_info.png[/img][/background][/size][/font][/color] MAIN FEATURES[list] [*]Responsive Design [*]Retina Display Ready [*]Boxed and Full width layout mode [*]1170 Grid System [*]Unlimited Color Skin [*]Powerful Theme Options [*]100+ Shortcodes [*]Google Font Support [*]Font Awesome Icon [*]2 Slider: Premium Revolution Slider Include [*]Menu Icon Support [*]3 Different Blog Layout: Large Image, Medium Image and Mansonry [*]Post Format Support [*]Widget Ready with custom width [*]Unlimited Sidebar [*]SEO Optimization: Rich Snippets, Structure Data & Breadcrumb [*]Ready for Translator [*]24/7 Email Support [/list] CREDITS[list] [*][url="http://jquery.com/"]jQuery[/url] [*][url="http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing"]jQuery easing[/url] [*][url="http://cherne.net/brian/resources/jquery.hoverIntent.html"]HoverIntent[/url] [*][url="http://flexslider.com/"]jQuery Flexslider Plugin[/url] [*][url="http://isotope.metafizzy.co/"]jQuery Isotope Plugin[/url] [*][url="https://github.com/sy4mil/Options-Framework"]SMOF Options Framework[/url] [*][url="http://www.deluxeblogtips.com/meta-box"]Meta-Box Script[/url] [*][url="http://gis.yohman.com/gmaps-plugin/"]Google Maps Shortcode[/url] [*][url="http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/superfish/"]superfish[/url] [*][url="http://www.woothemes.com/flexslider/"]Flexslider[/url] [*][url="http://caroufredsel.dev7studios.com/"]CarouFredsel[/url] [*][url="http://codecanyon.net/item/slider-revolution-responsive-jquery-plugin/2580848"]Revolution Slider[/url] [*][url="http://modernizr.com/"]Modernizr[/url] [*][url="http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/magnific-popup/"]Magnific Popup[/url] [*][url="http://rendro.github.io/easy-pie-chart/"]easyPieChart[/url] [*][url="http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/"]Font Awesome[/url] [*][url="http://masonry.desandro.com/"]Mansonry[/url] [*][url="http://subtlepatterns.com/"]Subtle Patterns[/url] [*][url="http://istockphoto.com/"]iStockPhoto[/url] [/list]
  6. 14 downloads

    [color=rgb(51,51,51)][font=Cabin][size=3]A Knowledge base without the monthly subscription, a wiki without the bloat. KnowHow helps you setup a Knowledge Base in WordPress in less time than it takes to brew a coffee. It’s perfect for providing a support resource for your customers and is super easy to manage.[/size][/font][/color]
  7. Version 1.5


    [color=rgb(51,51,51)][font=Cabin][size=3]Epic is a premium WordPress theme, loaded with a myriad of features. Epic theme is suitable for a wide range of industries including creative and corporate. Read more about Epic’s features below.[/size][/font][/color]
  8. Version 1.3


    Demo : [url="http://londonthemes.com/viewtheme/?theme=broadcast"]http://londonthemes.com/viewtheme/?theme=broadcast[/url] [color=rgb(51,51,51)][font=Cabin][size=3]Broadcast is perfect for anyone looking for a clean magazine style for their website. Giving you lots of options to create your website the way you want it to look.[/size][/font][/color]
  9. 23 downloads

    [color=rgb(51,51,51)][font=Cabin][size=3]Elegance. Flexibility. Awesomeness. These are the words that instantly come to mind when trying describe this amazing WordPress theme. This is the theme that’s going to get you or your client’s site up and running in no time. With all of the possible combinations of layout options, you’re sure to end up with a unique, elegant website that you can be proud of. Nothing has been held back with this one. It has all the professional touches you’d require in a WordPress theme along all the personal ones, as well – I’ve even named this theme after the mountain I grew up shredding as a kid in Alaska. It’s professional. It’s personal. It’s the best. This is Alyeska.[/size][/font][/color]
  10. Oooooooooooooo Webflake ;)

    1. Phun


      Oooooooooo The General ;)

    2. c0w


      Ooooooooo Phun ;)

  11. I never said I would get the PSD, I said you would need to get the PSD (because that's all that they are offering) and have someone code it into an actual web template for you
  12. you could try Bitrix24 (http://www.bitrix24.com/features/tasks.php) I've used it personally and I only like it for the tasks management if they had a setting to turn off all of the social stuff it would be less confusing and more useful though
  13. I do have a source but webflake doesn't allow advertisement of other sites ha! So i'll just see if that template is available from where I get stuff, otherwise you could just right click and save page as web template Edit: it seems like the author isn't offering a web coded version, they are only offering the PSD, youll need someone to actually build that template into a web template for you
  14. i see i'm not the only one on Mavericks
  15. this is an old screenshot but I guess the only one who's team mac
  16. Couldn't of said it better than Davlin Also a variety of plans if available would be great i.e. a variety of VPS and Dedicated plans shared hosting should be split up to 4 plans at the least I would say And you want to always have someone on staff who is able to handle most support problems that can pop up, would be bad if someone is having VPS problems at 2PM their time but the VPS expert is asleep at 2am their time
  17. 5. Attempting to control the Internet. Since when can you place a law on something no one controls?
  18. Once I get my vB stuff together, I'll start flooding the vbulletin section with 4.x and 3.x stuff

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. OpFor


      3.8 was the last great version of vB. I loved 3.8, and then 4.0 came out, and then I hated vB. I honestly don't understand why more people don't use 3.8. It's one of the best pieces of forum software ever written. 4.0 and above suck.

    3. The General

      The General

      eh the original coders left, and created xenforo

    4. Purple


      The vBulletin section used to be booming back when we were ForumCore. Not much stuff was transferred however.

  19. False I just dislike The person below doesn't know who my avatar is
  20. The General


    lol who had time to do this?
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