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The Grim Reaper

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Everything posted by The Grim Reaper

  1. I had to do a bit of search over the forum to find the article which you can use to display the since a member registered, shot out to S!r.ReaDy. for posting it : You'll have to make a bit of code adjustments to make it display the days, months and years, look over this article for the strtotime : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2915864/php-how-to-find-the-time-elapsed-since-a-date-time You can use the if / elseif logic to create the code. {{if [expression]}} HTML to output if expression is true {{elseif [expression]}} HTML to output if expression is true {{elseif [expression]}} HTML to output if other expressions were not true {{endif}} For the staff badge, instead of making it for each group in part you can use the "this member is a moderator" badge and customize it. {{if $comment->author()->modShowBadge()}} Staff Member {{endif}} Remember that this will appear to all the member who the option "show badge" biffed inside the moderator permission.
  2. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  3. First, can you give some more details how you've percedude the update, on what step did the update failed ? Also have you change your php version to 8.0 or 8.1 ?
  4. My first proposal is to raise a bit the dimension of our avatars, right now they seem to be at 90 x 90, maybe 150x150 and a bit squarish would be more great.I`be made myself an avatar and its looks really tiny.
  5. You need to move the content of the previous theme post Container into the new one + all the css codes. Also, please use one topic per question, stop asking for new things once your first problem was solved.
  6. As i already mentioned you, your template may cause some faction not to work, on the default template the images does work fine. The problem is hard to diagnose since we don't know for sure on what IPS version the template was made, there are many code changed and tryn to upgrade the template is a waste of time.
  7. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  8. Available for custom request.

  9. Version 1.0.1


    WARNING : This plugin may not work if you are using a template with custom postContainer ! Using this plugin you will be able to display large avatars on your community. I've made this plugin as an more easy method of the following tutorial made years ago : Crafted with love for the WebFlake Community.
  10. Search for : <li class="csr-authorInfo:photo cAuthorPane_photo"> <div class='cAuthorPane_photoWrap'> {template="userPhoto" app="core" group="global" params="$comment->author(), 'large', $comment->warningRef()"} {{if $comment->author()->modShowBadge()}} <span class="cAuthorPane_badge cAuthorPane_badge--moderator" data-ipsTooltip title="{lang="member_is_moderator" sprintf="$comment->author()->name"}"></span> {{elseif $comment->author()->joinedRecently()}} <span class="cAuthorPane_badge cAuthorPane_badge--new" data-ipsTooltip title="{lang="member_is_new_badge" sprintf="$comment->author()->name"}"></span> {{endif}} {{if !$comment->isAnonymous() and $comment->author()->canHaveAchievements() and \IPS\core\Achievements\Rank::show() and $rank = $comment->author()->rank()}} {$rank->html( 'cAuthorPane_badge cAuthorPane_badge--rank ipsOutline ipsOutline:2px' )|raw} {{endif}} </div> </li> Replace with : <li data-role='photo' class='cAuthorPane_photo'> <div class='cAuthorPane_photoWrap'> {{if $comment->author()->pp_main_photo AND $comment->author()->pp_thumb_photo}} <img src="{url="" base=""}/uploads/{$comment->author()->pp_main_photo}"> {{else}} {template="userPhoto" app="core" group="global" params="$comment->author(), 'large', $comment->warningRef()"} {{endif}} {{if $comment->author()->modShowBadge()}} <span class="cAuthorPane_badge cAuthorPane_badge--moderator" data-ipsTooltip title="{lang="member_is_moderator" sprintf="$comment->author()->name"}"></span> {{elseif $comment->author()->joinedRecently()}} <span class="cAuthorPane_badge cAuthorPane_badge--new" data-ipsTooltip title="{lang="member_is_new_badge" sprintf="$comment->author()->name"}"></span> {{endif}} {{if !$comment->isAnonymous() and $comment->author()->canHaveAchievements() and \IPS\core\Achievements\Rank::show() and $rank = $comment->author()->rank()}} {$rank->html( 'cAuthorPane_badge cAuthorPane_badge--rank ipsOutline ipsOutline:2px' )|raw} {{endif}} </div> </li> Add inside custom.css : .cAuthorPane_photo img { max-width:150px; } .cAuthorPane .ipsUserPhoto { max-width:150px; max-height:300px; width:unset; height:unset; } Be aware that your template was made 4.6.x version of IPS and will be possible to throw errors in future updates of 4.7.x series.
  11. {{if !$comment->isAnonymous()}} <li class="csr-authorInfo:group"> {{if \IPS\Member\Group::load( $comment->author()->member_group_id )->g_icon }} <img src='{file="$comment->author()->group['g_icon']" extension="core_Theme"}' alt='' class='cAuthorGroupIcon'> {{endif}} </li> {{endif}} Will display only the icon.
  12. Please, try to explain more better what are you asking for, first you asked for the group icon to be shown, thing that we did. The theme is using a custom postContainer which can lead to some plugins not working properly.
  13. Try this code, it work`s for me : {{if !$comment->isAnonymous()}} <li class="csr-authorInfo:group"> <div class="csr-group:item csr-group:{$comment->author()->member_group_id}">{expression="\IPS\Member\Group::load( $comment->author()->member_group_id )"}</div> </li> <li class="csr-authorInfo:group"> {{if \IPS\Member\Group::load( $comment->author()->member_group_id )->g_icon }} <img src='{file="$comment->author()->group['g_icon']" extension="core_Theme"}' alt='' class='cAuthorGroupIcon'> {{endif}} </li> {{endif}}
  14. You need to look inside cPanel after it inside the "Security" tab.
  15. Search for this : {{if !$comment->isAnonymous()}} <li class="csr-authorInfo:group"> <div class="csr-group:item csr-group:{$comment->author()->member_group_id}">{expression="\IPS\Member\Group::load( $comment->author()->member_group_id )"}</div> </li> {{endif}} And replace it with this : {{if !$comment->isAnonymous()}} <li class="csr-authorInfo:group"> <div class="csr-group:item csr-group:{$comment->author()->member_group_id}">{expression="\IPS\Member\Group::load( $comment->author()->member_group_id )"}</div> </li> {{if \IPS\Member\Group::load( $comment->author()->member_group_id )->g_icon }} <li data-role='group-icon'><img src='{file="$comment->author()->group['g_icon']" extension="core_Theme"}' alt='' class='cAuthorGroupIcon'></li> {{endif}} {{endif}}
  16. Hello, first have you settled an image for the specific group to be shown, and second please leave us here the content inside postContainer.
  17. Version 4.x


    This script will check if you are ready to use Invision Community 4.x on your own server.
  18. Version 10.2.7


    This file will translate most of the IPS apps and core pack in polish.
  19. Version 4.7.13


    Follow these steps to enable Developer Mode on your installation: Download the Developer Tools, making sure you download the correct version for the version of IPS Community Suite you are using. Developer Tools for pre-release versions may be available, so you may need to download an older version from the "Previous Versions" section. Extract the developer tools and move them to where IPS Community Suite is installed, merging with the existing files. There is a root "dev" folder, and "dev" folders for each application. If you do not have every IPS Community Suite application installed, you should delete the folders you don't need from the Developer Tools folder before copying. The presence of Developer Tools for uninstalled applications may cause errors. If you do not already have a constants.php file in the root folder of your installation, create one. Add the following line to your constants.php file: <?php define( 'IN_DEV', TRUE );
  20. Version 2.0.0


    The widget extension allows you to easily add custom blocks and then style them using your own CSS styles and classes. The plugin will add three different types of custom widgets: Text, HTML and PHP. Allowed Block Options: Set the block to display on or off, Set the block to display to selected groups only, Can elect to use a block title or not. Good if you are showing adverts or not, You can use CKEditor or CodeMirror for the block content and this can be toggled via the Blocks settings. For example, HTML and PHP can use CodeMirror to make life easier if you are using HTML or PHP in your blocks. You can easily add CCS styles to the Block Title and Content using the Widget Forms rather than having to edit templates. This makes it easier to customise each block differently to have a different look and feel to match your website theme. You can add custom CSS classes via the Widget Form for quickness. Bear in mind this will add inline CSS to your theme, so it would be better to add custom CSS Classes to the Theme Custom.css instead.
  21. Well, i suggest to get rid of the old `upload profile song` ( we can reduce space and loading page time ) And to upgrade it to a better version with video profile directly from youtube / twitch.
  22. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  23. Ummm, wrong ? Is not made with css, is an image you can find in your theme resources under the name "bg.svg"
  24. This theme was not updated for 4.6, the creator has left invision as third party content creator.
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