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Showing content with the highest reputation since 03/25/2024 in Posts
After nearly two years, WebFlake is reopening its doors to the community. We're excited to renew this adventure with you all and are so thankful for your love and commitment. We've heard your voices, and we've missed you too. Let's cover some important questions! What is the new domain name; what happened to WebFlakeSX? We no longer own the WebFlakeSX domain or Twitter/X account. Regrettably, we allowed the domain to lapse, and it was promptly snatched by one of the many domain squatters that hold beleaguered domains ransom. We have no desire to pay the fees required to recollect that domain, so we have moved on to the dev extension,, and have launched a new Twitter/X account Why is WebFlake returning; why now? You. That's the simple truth. WebFlake stood as a bastion for ingenuity, creativity, and ambition. Our community and webmasters everywhere still need us. Are you affiliated with the other WebFlake sites? No. We never were and never will be. It goes without saying that none of us expected our community or the market to just sit on their hands after WebFlake's closure. We fully respect and appreciate the efforts to provide a spiritual successor or an entirely new home for interested users. What we are absolutely uncomfortable with, are the two communities that thought it prudent to use our branding, our identity, and attempt to be us. Whether their intention was to defraud you or simply to take up the reins, their combined lack of success and egregious lack of respect for every one of us that made WebFlake possible is what is important here. Neither community acknowledged that they were not the original WebFlake and both communities made concerted efforts to effectively copy/paste elements of this community. We won't ban you for participating in their charade provided you do not advertise or discuss those communities on any of our platforms. We do strongly encourage you to avoid being deceived or preyed upon. You don't have to choose us over them, there are other options — just don't encourage or facilitate their unscrupulous endeavors. What can we expect with WebFlake's relaunch? WebFlake closed in January 2022. With that in mind, we ask that you temper your expectations. We've restored the website as it were twenty months ago in its totality. Users, donations, topics, posts, reputation, files, and everything in between is intact. We've upgraded the core and the database to current versions. We've also just completed a total overhaul of our member groups, updated our original theme, and are continuing to make a number of other modifications and improvements to our community. You can see some of those changes listed in our Release Notes, here: WebFlake Release Notes - 7.0.0 What are your plans going forward? We want to place more emphasis on quality of life and community. We recognize that our approach prior to closing last January wasn't the best and we have immense room for improvement. In the pipeline are minor things like relaxed guidelines and larger things like crowdfunding. We're also contemplating expanding our brand into other web-related ventures; more info on this to come. In the meantime, we want to ensure that we begin making up for lost time. What can I do to help out with the relaunch? Content. Come say hi, submit a file, answer a question, or join us on Discord. If you have a spare server boost or two for Discord, we would appreciate it if you applied them to WebFlake to enhance the user experience there. Do remember that you are under no obligation to contribute but know that you would have our undying gratitude. Additionally, you can promote our relaunch on social media and with your connections. We do not condone spamming other communities or Discord servers; be respectful. What if I encounter bugs or things aren't working as they should be? If you encounter any bugs, please report them on our Bug Tracker, here: If you think you can help us improve the community, we'd love to hear your thoughts; submit them via our Ideas page here: Who is managing WebFlake now? Tony, James, Logan, Cookie Monster, and GradientWizzard. To be clear, this means that Phun has retired and will no longer be involved with WebFlake in any capacity. He may stop by to say hello on occasion, but he is no longer representing or assisting in the management of WebFlake. What if I have a question that isn't covered here? Feel free to ask away on Discord or the forums, and we will answer those questions to the best of our ability.4 points
Hello, i'm sorry for this delayed response of mine. Search for this into your template forum - index - forum and replace this : {{if $forum->hasChildren()}} <ul class="ipsDataItem_subList ipsList_inline"> {{foreach $forum->children() as $subforum}} <li class="{{if \IPS\forums\Topic::containerUnread( $subforum )}}ipsDataItem_unread{{endif}}"> <a href="{$subforum->url()}">{{if \IPS\forums\Topic::containerUnread( $subforum )}}<span class='ipsItemStatus ipsItemStatus_tiny {{if !\IPS\forums\Topic::containerUnread( $subforum ) && !$subforum->redirect_on}}ipsItemStatus_read{{endif}}'><i class="fa fa-circle"></i></span> {{endif}}{$subforum->_title}</a> </li> {{endforeach}} </ul> {{endif}} {{if $forum->description}} {template="richText" group="global" app="core" location="global" params="$forum->description, array('ipsDataItem_meta', 'ipsContained')"} {{endif}} With this : {{if $forum->description}} {template="richText" group="global" app="core" location="global" params="$forum->description, array('ipsDataItem_meta', 'ipsContained')"} {{endif}} {{if $forum->hasChildren()}} <ul class="ipsDataItem_subList ipsList_inline"> {{foreach $forum->children() as $subforum}} <li class="{{if \IPS\forums\Topic::containerUnread( $subforum )}}ipsDataItem_unread{{endif}}"> <a href="{$subforum->url()}">{$subforum->_title}</a> </li> {{endforeach}} </ul> {{endif}} Add into your custom.css this : .ipsApp .cForumRow .ipsDataItem_subList { padding: 0 !important; background-image: none !important; display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 33%); } .ipsApp .cForumRow .ipsDataItem_subList li:after { content: ''; font-family: "FontAwesome"; /* here you put what you want to appear before a subforum */ } .ipsApp .cForumRow .ipsDataItem_subList li.ipsDataItem_unread:after { content: ''; font-family: "FontAwesome"; /* here you put what you want to appear before an unread subforum */ } .ipsDataItem_subList li a:after { content: ''; }2 points
I'm sorry to be against your host provider, but that is a problem from them. You have limited resources on your host plan, meaning that if overload the system will shut you down in order not to affect the others. As i saw on international hosting, most of them offer limited resources regarding traffic, ram, cpu.1 point
1 point
1 point
I found these images of steam hovercards on a Russian forum, and I wanted to put them on the IPS forum, I've seen them on some forums, but I haven't seen any tutorials on how to insert them. Could someone help me with how to put them in the forum and how I would put them in a specific user or group? Example: Someone can help me?1 point
1 point
Emails have been fixed, thanks to @ Logan_Rocks reminder that our domain is still being flagged as spam, so they'll be automatically sent to junk Disabled 'Join Us' block on the homepage for now as we're not looking for the positions listed on the page can still be accessed under 'about us' menu however View full release1 point
I have nulls of v4.7.14 through to v4.7.18 - will try upload them later when I’m on my laptop!1 point
1 point
1 point
Just to clarify, this usergroup is not a 'donate' for usergroup. It's a matter of reaching a certain amount of points to get the next rank. I have verified your account, and it should be fine now; please let me know. Sorry for the delay in a reply. If you have donated, that is a separate issue so I need some clarification.1 point
First of all, this section is for WebFlake related problems, not for web problems. Second, yes, it is possible but you will need to have a good knowledge of php for creating and integrating the script as a custom one into your forum.1 point
I'm in shock. I just found you guys on Google and couldn't believe what I was seeing. Thanks for coming back.1 point
You are using a custom postContainer, post here the code inside postContainer1 point
I don't really find the reason why posted here. If you don`t have any help to offer, just mind your own business. The problem is caused by the old versions released on the free net, till now the latest plugin version is not available for free, only for purchase. We'll try to add it into our file resources soon.1 point
Recently, I coded something for my website that puts verify symbol next to our staff team. In order to make it: 1)Go to /applications/core/modules/front/members/profile.php in your file manager. 2)Add the code under: public function execute() { /* Load Member */ $this->member = \IPS\Member::load( \IPS\Request::i()->id ); Code: if ($this->member->inGroup(4,6)) { $this->member->name = $this->member->name . " ✓"; } Basically, this code is checking if visited profile's group is 4 or 6 (For me, 4 = Administrator, 6 = Moderators) and if it's, it's adding verification symbol next to username.1 point
1 point
Then research your options. WebFlake isn't going to disclose its host. That's an absolutely asinine request.1 point
Good afternoon staff, I am not able to implement in my IPB [IPS 4.1.15] none of these 2 plugins, anyone can tell me what might be happening? thank you! I've installed both, but does not appear in the forum nor settings options in the Admin Panel.1 point
When posting offers, please be sure to include all relevant details.. Coupon or Promotional code Website where offer is located Website where the offer is meant to be used Products / Services the code is eligible for Any extra terms or conditions You may share coupon or promotional codes that double as referral links, if you so desire. Both you and the user utilizing the code will profit, so this is acceptable. You may NOT link to codes that are obtained by way of downloading archived files or by completing "surveys". Sites like these are known scam sites, and such topics will be promptly deleted. As always, ensure that you review the codes currently available, before posting duplicates.1 point
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