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Showing content with the highest reputation since 02/14/2013 in File Reviews

    Keep getting network error when trying to download
    7 points
    Thanks for the app! Could you update to 1.0.12?
    6 points
    All my download rights have timed out. How do I download it? Thanks.... Wait 1 day...:)
    6 points
    A clean and professional theme. Very excited that WebFlake is sharing the theme. It only makes sense really, people would just rip the theme anyway, so this is awesome!
    6 points
    successfully upgraded. NOTE: If you have changed your admin directory, upload the files and folders inside the admin installation folder to your renamed folder. If not you will get a session error. I am still trying to enable open_basedir.
    5 points
    Brilliant thanks man. Now just waiting for the 4.2.1
    5 points
    Thank you for download! For other who don't see the images you have to do the following: (I assume your IPS4 is installed into web-root) https://yoursite.tld/import_images.php?dir=icons https://yoursite.tld/import_images.php?dir=types Finally you need to import map images. For Call of Duty 4 it would be: https://yoursite.tld/import_images.php?dir=maps&game=cod4 I hope this helps.
    5 points
    Update file_brilliantdiscord_10141.tar
    4 points
    Awesome! I'm waiting for 4.4.10, i already got the notification on my forum.
    4 points
    Please stop post requesting files we are aware of a release it does take time to get it all nulled. So from this post on stop ask for a new upload. Thank you
    4 points
    @laracroftonline it works on ipb but one down fall when you are online it will not show users online on private chat example: Just wanted to bring that to attention :p
    4 points
    Very nice! Thanks a lot for this share. Everything is complete inside, HTML files, PHP files, everything you need. This is an absolute topper! Thanks again.
    4 points
    Why on earth, some people give negative reputations without explaining the cause? The person who is helping, should he/she is eligible for negative reputations ? >_<
    4 points
    I love it, It's extremely useful, except for one thing. Is there any way to remove (webflake.sx) from the name?.. Also, Gold Fish, Go to community, Permissions for FAQ, and make sure guest permissions look like this
    4 points
    First off thank you lara if i knew you id order you a pizza with enough tip pre-paid they would tip you! LOL seriously for everyone that thinks this "isnt" working try the following first make sure you are on a supported php revision currently on php 7.0 this has been tested by me and doesnt work or php 7.2 whatever, also when i didnt have a domain this did NOT work for me once i registered a domain and downgraded php this finally WORKED! so make sure your setup is compatible first then say its fked up and internal 500 errors? are you on windows? iis? apache on windows? GET OFF WINDOWS! P.S. misconfiguration errors like 408 or 500 etc can also be due to .htaccess files peace. UPDATE!!!! FOR WINDOWS REQUIREMENTS!! FOR COMETCHAT Requirements for windows Grab A Domain get php 5.6 NOT 5.3 NOT 7. WHATEVER please get 5.6 as this is what i have tested it on Get IIS revision 7.0 and/or 8.0 depending on OS and run PHP with FASTCGI PHP if you are going to try and run this on apache please just go get a freaking linux distro. IMO instead of MYSQL just install Maria DB but if you already have a working forum and you want to transfer everything over to a windows OS then keep the same DB Version that you were using unless you know what you are doing for obvious reasons lol. LASTLY! ~!~~ IMPORTANT READ HERE! if you are trying to make this work on something other then Invision Power Board you need the proper Intergration PHP file!
    4 points
    As stated before, everyone has the ribbons, and I'd also add that manually searching for group ID's is a bit lame as well, you could change that with a pickable version on which groups it will show.
    4 points
    All groups have a ribbon whit this plugin
    4 points
    This is just a RIP made by a stupid kid , here is the prove from ipb_style.css , copy+psate on ipb_stayle.css and this is the skin , don`t download this skin because you weaste your time
    4 points
    How to install this: Upload to your ips directoryUnzipMake sure all the files are in the map cometchat and this map is in the root of your ips installthan go to http://yoursite.com/cometchat/install.phpcopy the integration code and paste it into the head of your theme!To edit the settings of the app and got to http://yoursite.com/cometchat/admin/Standard password and login cometchatSo this is not the usual ips application installation but it uses the database of ips installation to retrieve members and members online Fixed the member tables bug!
    4 points
    Ty i was searching for this, how you managed to export it? nice one
    3 points
    Awesome theme ... Please update to 4.0.4! Thanks!
    3 points
    Thanks for your efforts I have been using wf null for 4 years, I'm looking forward to version 4.4.10
    3 points
    Thanks for the update I've been trusting this site for long time, and will always trust this site. thanks for existing :))
    3 points
    Repair of displaying current players on the server: Go to ftp: /domains/xxx.com/public_html/applications/serverlist/sources/GameQ/Query upload and replace attach ? Native.php
    3 points
    Thanks for this! Definitely a good contribute to WF.
    3 points
    Thanks, had to disable the large slider slowed things down.. Other than that it's a keeper..
    3 points
    Just adds that little bit of custom image to your community. <3 it.
    3 points
    This is absolutely not a theme 4.2
    3 points
    It works fine and can find the servers like it's supposed to. Although the icons for the games etc are not showing.
    3 points
  1. 3 points
    Great theme, works perfectly! Thanks alot @molester
    3 points
    Thanks for sharing please upload latest version 2.0.12
    3 points
    Sorry this doesn't work well,i am not able to highlight any text
    3 points
    Thanks for this in IPS4 works good with current IPS release
    3 points
    It is gratifying to see that my plugin is supposedly written by a different person. Released version 1.0.3, it fixes the error. Under the license you had no right to remove the copyright
    3 points
    The same here, All groups have a ribbon whit this plugin.
    3 points
  2. 3 points
    The idea is great, and it's implemented quite well. It'd be even better if I could actually get it to always show up on my board ;)
    3 points
    cool feature! why ipb hadn't include this
    2 points
    Please download version 4.1
    2 points
  3. 2 points
    Ce faci măi copilaș , temele mele sunt făcute de tine ? Cât de ratat poți să fii ? Nu e bai am grijă și de tine cât de curând când am să te fac de rahat pe tot internetul cu forumul tău vai de mama lui plin de buguri. This skin is made by me Sebastian C. not by you stupid kid . First of all , this is skin is Aimers # GREEN made for Aimers Community , this kid downloaded from the website where i uploaded it and just change 1 color . Another example of stupid kid from Romania , a country where you can see all of this shit everywhere.
    2 points
    No Working 4.1 Beta :( Update please...
    2 points
    Thanks for the share, love this theme and it works great!
    2 points
    Working fine with Ty for share EDIT: There are couple of small graphical glitches , would be nice if someone has newer version :)
    2 points
  4. 2 points
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