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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/14/2023 in all areas

  1. Reenabled WordPress forums. Adjusted permissions for several file categories that were mistakenly inaccessible. URLs on the Trackers and Donations pages have been updated. Added a message to our registration form notifying users that our emails are currently being marked as spam due to being a new domain. Added a button to reveal password during registration. GitHub profile URL now links to GitHub. Updated statuses and status definitions for our Bug Tracker. Added two new badges: Spooky Visitor — awarded for logging in on Halloween. Thanks for the Candy — awarded for creating content (topic/post/file) on Halloween. Enabled Discord integration. At this time, it is not required to link your WebFlake and Discord accounts. This may change in the future. Miscellaneous fixes: Corrected the text color on search input. Add colorizing to code blocks for compatibility with a dark theme. Softened the color on auto-completion text. Added gradient background to more ipsTabs locations throughout the site. View full release
    2 points
  2. Version 2.3.1


    The modification allows you to change the appearance and add many functionalities to manage records. === Demo === Settings allow: Possibility to hide the author in a record, The ability to show the category where the record is located along, The ability to show the number of reactions in the form of graphics, Option to show the number of record comments, The ability to show the number of views of the record, Additional Font Awesome Icons, The option of hiding the "Read more" button, Customizable block of records
    1 point
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