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  1. you can add this in your css it will work just change what needs to be .pec[data-group_id="4"] { } aside.pec[data-group_id="4"] { background: url("/Image/giphy.gif") repeat 50% 50%; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; } aside.pec[data-group_id="4"] { background: #ff0000 !important; background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #ff0000 0%, #18138e 92%) !important; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #ff0000 0%,#18138e 92%) !important; background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ff0000 0%,#18138e 92%) !important; } than go to post container look for <article {{if $comment->author()->hasHighlightedReplies()}}data-memberGroup="{$comment->author()->member_group_id}" {{endif}} id='elComment_{$comment->$idField}' class='cPost ipsBox {{if $otherClasses}}{$otherClasses}{{endif}} ipsComment {{if ( settings.reputation_enabled and settings.reputation_highlight and $comment->reactionCount() >= settings.reputation_highlight ) OR $comment->isFeatured()}}ipsComment_popular{{endif}} ipsComment_parent ipsClearfix ipsClear ipsColumns ipsColumns_noSpacing ipsColumns_collapsePhone {{if $comment->author()->hasHighlightedReplies()}}ipsComment_highlighted{{endif}}{{if $comment->isIgnored()}}ipsHide{{endif}} {{if $comment->hidden() OR $item->hidden() === -2}}ipsModerated{{endif}}'> change with <article {{if $comment->author()->hasHighlightedReplies()}}data-memberGroup="{$comment->author()->member_group_id}" {{endif}} id='elComment_{$comment->$idField}' class='pec cPost ipsBox {{if $otherClasses}}{$otherClasses}{{endif}} ipsComment {{if ( settings.reputation_enabled and settings.reputation_highlight and $comment->reactionCount() >= settings.reputation_highlight ) OR $comment->isFeatured()}}ipsComment_popular{{endif}} ipsComment_parent ipsClearfix ipsClear ipsColumns ipsColumns_noSpacing ipsColumns_collapsePhone {{if $comment->author()->hasHighlightedReplies()}}ipsComment_highlighted{{endif}}{{if $comment->isIgnored()}}ipsHide{{endif}} {{if $comment->hidden() OR $item->hidden() === -2}}ipsModerated{{endif}}' data-group_id='{$comment->author()->member_group_id}'> than look for <aside class='ipsComment_author cAuthorPane ipsColumn ipsColumn_medium ipsResponsive_hidePhone'> change with <aside class='pec ipsComment_author cAuthorPane ipsColumn ipsColumn_medium ipsResponsive_hidePhone' data-group_id='{$comment->author()->member_group_id}'>
    1 point
  2. Version 1.0.6


    Points application to issue new points to members and new points for new topics, posts, signing up or giving points manually via their profile page. Control the points given for various things and permissions from the admin cp. Features NEW Give out points for new items, reviews and comments in other applications. e.g. Downloads, Gallery, Calendar and most 3rd party app. Member group allowance to give out points automatically to selected member groups. Mass modify member points tool to add or remove points from selected member groups. Unlock topic feature to set which forums will require members use points to unlock and view topics. Add points for voting in poll or for poll owners who receive votes. Set points for club forums. Either individually or via the admin cp. Member filter for points to support group promotions or bulk mail filters based on the number of points. Admin tools to reset all members points or clear points logs. Redeem points into a manually processed value with custom field support. Integration with the Commerce application to redeem points into account credit. Set per forum values for members giving and receiving reactions. Set how many points new members get on signup. Enable an auto reset for points. Top points widget to display the members with the top points. Customize the fixed point options given out for each post. Change the name or prefix of points. Set how many points new topics, replies are given in each forum. Set how many points are given to the topic starter if someone replies to their topic in each forum. Import points from other Points apps if they store their points in the forums database. (Confirmed working with ibEconomy.) Points displayed in profile information of each members post. Manually modify a members points count from their profile. Including a note stating the reason. Profile tab that displays a list of that members points log. Set group permissions for who can view and manage (add/remove) points. Global points page to display all the recent points logs and actions.
    1 point
  3. More and more websites are starting to use Font Glyphs or Font Icons. They're easy to make, easy to pick from and their incredibly light weight compared to independent images or even sprites. What are the major advantages of using Icon Fonts? They are vector, which means they can scale indefinitely without losing quality They are lightweight They are supported by every browser You can add almost any thinkable text css to them (shadows, colors, rotation, gradients) Takes fewer HTTP requests to your server = less load :3 So what are disadvantages of using Icon Fonts? Screenreaders may misinterpret fonticons, reading them out loud DUSTY OLD BROWSERS cannot render font icons. But really, who uses IE7 anymore. You can only serve font icons in a single color -or- in a gradient. No fancy multicolor rainbow awesomeness. Firefox sometimes renders icon fonts with a larger font-weight (bolder), so they may look differently on there. The top list of FREE icon Fonts Foundation 3 - 283 beautiful icons with rounded corners Font Awesome - 439 icons in a constantly updated icon font Google Material Icons - Over 200 icons by google. IconSweets - 60 icons by YummyGum (has a paid v2) IcoMoon - 450 free beautiful icons, with editor on site if you want to pay HeyDings - 60 pretty awesome webfont icons Open Iconic - 223 icons in a lightweight and beautiful package (.woff = 12.4kb!) Sosa - 160+ icons Glyphish - 200 free icons (you must provide credit), also has a paid version of $100 for over 1500 icons Glyphicons - 470 free icons and 50 free social icons Batch - 300+ icons for use on the web and apps, now free Brankic1979 - 350 pixel perfect icons, scalable to any size IconMinia - 139 vector icons Octicons - by GitHub, usable in any of your projects So there you have it, pretty icon fonts for free, available for you to use in your projects. Most come with a handy-dandy instruction page aswell. If you have any additional icon fonts and you would like to see them back on this list, do not fear to comment down below!
    1 point
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