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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/04/2021 in all areas

  1. I'm trying to add a fontsawesome Icon to my group name but when I do just <span class="fa-blah blah" etc. It adds the icon beside the name but its right up against the group name and it changes the font. I'm wanting to get it to look a little like this, any help?
    1 point
  2. Openings: 2

    Applicants: 5

    WebFlake is seeking enthusiastic and impartial members who are interested in introducing new participants to WebFlake, facilitating constructive discussion, and establishing a welcoming environment while enforcing conduct guidelines and terms of service. This role is entry-level and serves as an evaluation for a potential position as a full-time Moderator. If you believe yourself to be up to the task, we'd love to hear from you. Key Responsibilities Junior Mods will be tasked with handling daily duties, such as.. Downloading, scanning, and approving (or deleting) submitted resources. Moving Answered support topics to appropriate forum. Marking support topics as resolved and moving them. Locking, moving, and editing various topics. Flagging spam bots as spam accounts. Issuing appropriate warnings when necessary. Reviewing and handling of reports. Interacting with the community in a friendly and approachable manner. Maintaining a daily presence in the community. What can't a Junior Moderator do? Junior Mods, while granted access to a wide variety of tools and permissions do have a few limitations, such as.. Inability to soft or hard delete topics / posts. Inability to hide / unhide topics. Inability to pin / unpin topics. Inability to view IP Addresses. We're looking for someone who Is 18 years of age or older. Communicates clearly and effectively (in English). Can devote a considerable amount of time to the community and its Discord. Is a team player with a winning attitude. Possesses excellent multitasking skills. Has a basic understanding of moderation and the tasks associated with it (we can train you). Has a Discord account (and has joined the WebFlake Discord Server) for off-site Staff communication. Must not have held a Junior Moderator position within the last year. Is not affiliated with any site similar to WebFlake. You may not meet all of the criteria but please do not hesitate to apply and let us take a chance on you.
    1 point
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