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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/02/2021 in all areas

  1. There have been a lot of questions about custom designs on our website and rather than repeating ourselves over and over, we're pinning this topic as a reminder. We simply do NOT provide any support for questions about customization on WebFlake. These designs are made to help make WebFlake unique. An example would be questions about our Feature Plan, which has been created by @ Tony. If Tony chooses to release a paid version or a tutorial, then you can use that but until then we're not going to provide support on how to replicate it. We also won't tell you how to copy our theme, that's just silly. This does not mean that you cannot request support for files that are available to download for free. You are always welcome to open a support topic if you have an issue or a question about a file found in our downloads system. If you are not sure whether your question is acceptable, please send a message to one of our Staff members to be sure. Please remember that we do not offer support though private messages.
    1 point
  2. Version 3.0.0


    Linked Accounts allows your members to link one or more accounts then quickly switch between them. You have a full range of options about which usergroups can use the Linked Accounts system and which usergroups cannot be linked to. The POST AS feature allows the user with linked accounts to create/reply to a topic using a Linked Account. Each action is logged so you can keep a track of what linked account users do. The Linked Accounts system could be useful for fan fiction forums, roleplaying forums, or just those of you with multiple accounts (e.g, John Doe, Administrator, Forum News). OBS! Need to be uploaded manualy and install from applications.
    0 points
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