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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/30/2021 in all areas

  1. Version 1.2.0


    This template is prepared in two modes, Dark and Light, with the ability to change colors in two palettes, the default palette (similar to IPS) and the VALA palette (a powerful colors setting which changes the color of the entire template by changing a few of colors). This template also has 12 plugins that include : Top bar, Popup, Sidebar menu, Call to action(CTA), Scroll to top, Bottom navigation, Loading, Search overlay, Slideshow, Dark & Light switcher, Share bar and Footer. The following items are also customized : Buttons, Links, Forums, Topics, Posts, Navigation, Profile image, Mobile navigation bar, Main theme setting, Front-end Dark | Light, IPS box and etc. DEMO : ips.valacoding.com [username: demo , pass: demo]
    1 point
  2. While we can only speculate the client numbers, I'm not so certain Invision is more popular than XenForo. Bear in mind that even though XenForo began development in 2009-10, nearly a decade later than Invision did, they also brought with them a substantial portion of the seemingly-defunct vBulletin community. That gave XenForo a serious edge as just a few years prior to that, Invision reneged on their word about their product remaining free and began charging for licensed copies of their software. That being said, without the numbers from both parties, how do we determine who is more popular? Web traffic! According to SimilarWeb and Alexa, XenForo averages 68% more page visits daily (and monthly too!) than Invision while Alexa also has Invision ranked around 28k and XenForo around 11k. That's an enormous difference between both sets of analytics. In summary, it appears XenForo is much more popular. That popularity is evidenced here only because WebFlake is hyper-focused on Invision and there are several really great XenForo communities similar to WebFlake. That aforementioned popularity difference is just one part of why XenForo has many more theme options. Invision is notoriously sketchy with their Marketplace policies and just recently, drove a huge portion of their third-party developers away from the site. Add in predatory business practices, poor management, and a complete lack of professionalism at every level and it isn't any wonder why you struggle to find content for Invision products. Worth noting that despite all of the above, I still personally prefer Invision over XenForo. Weird.
    1 point
  3. Version 4.5


    Titanium is a lightweight dark theme that will instantly enhance your site.
    1 point
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