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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/25/2021 in all areas

  1. Version 4.6.9


    Dit is een Nederlandstalig taalbestand voor IPS Community Suite 4.6 en bevat de vertaling voor de volgende onderdelen: Systeem Conversies Forum Kalender Galerij Pages Commerce Blogs Downloads Clubs Chatbox+ 2.5.5 Installatie instructies Log in op het AdminCP controlepaneel Ga naar 'Customization' --> 'Languages' Klik op 'Create New' en selecteer 'Manual Upload ' Zet in het keuze menu 'Locale' op 'Nederlands' Selecteer het gedownloade bestand 'Nederlands 4.6.x' en klik op 'Save' Upgrade instructies Log in op het AdminCP controlepaneel Ga naar 'Aanpassingen' --> 'Talen' Klik rechts van 'Nederlands' op het pijltje dat naar beneden wijst om het vervolgmenu te openen Klik op 'Upload nieuwe versie' Selecteer het gedownloade bestand 'Nederlands 4.6.x' en klik op 'Wijziging Opslaan' ALS JE VERTAAL OF CONTEXT FOUTEN TEGEN KOMT, MELDT HET HIER ONDER IN JE REVIEW EN IK PAS HET AAN. This is the Dutch translation file for IPS Community Suite 4.6 and contains translations for: System Converters Forum Calendar Gallery Pages Commerce Blogs Downloads Clubs Chatbox+ 2.5.5 Installation instructions Log into the ACP Go to 'Customization' --> 'Languages' Click on 'Create New' and select 'Manual Upload' Put in the selection menu 'Locale' to 'Nederlands' Select the downloaded file 'Nederlands 4.6.x' and click on 'Save' - Aangepast voor IPS 4.6.9 - Adapted to IPS 4.6.9
    1 point
  2. Version 1.1.4


    ? ? === Demo === ? ?
    1 point
  3. You can use this one https://nyqi.github.io/animated-tags/ Download first : https://github.com/Nyqi/animated-tags/raw/gh-pages/sparkles.zip then place it somewhere to your IPS FTP folder I placed it inside uploads folder. In next step you will need to go to your Admin CP, then go to Members > Groups > Select group you want to edit for animated tag > Click on Edit button > You will need to put this content inside Group Formatting Example <span style='color: #9572ff; background: url(http://your-website.com/uploads/sparkles/sparkle_purple.gif); font-weight: bold;'> (Remember to replace your-website.com with your website!) As color you can use HEX color, find colors here: http://www.color-hex.com/ and as sparkle image (in our example it was sparkle_purple.gif) you can use anything from this list: sparkle_green_light.gif, sparkle_blue.gif, sparkle_brown.gif, sparkle_red.gif, sparkle_green.gif, sparkle_lime.gif, sparkle_blue_light.gif, sparkle_white.gif, sparkle_yellow_light.gif, sparkle_grey.gif, sparkle_orange.gif, sparkle_teal.gif, sparkle_purple.gif, sparkle_yellow.gif, sparkle_pink.gif, sparkle_pink_light.gif, fire_navy.gif, fire_pink.gif, fire_orange.gif, fire_brown.gif, fire_purple.gif, fire_blue.gif, fire_lime.gif, fire_red.gif, fire_white.gif, fire_black.gif, fire_green.gif, fire_teal.gif, fire_grey.gif You can also remove font-weight: bold if you don't want to have your name bold. Taken from another forum.
    1 point
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