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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/23/2021 in all areas

  1. Version 4.6.9


    Invision Community Suite 4.6.9 WebFlake Release Date: 12/7/2021 WebFlake Note: Please create a support topic in IPS Support if you need assistance. IMPORTANT UPGRADE NOTICE Please note that not all third-party applications and themes are yet compatible with Invision Community 4.6. If you utilize third-party resources, including custom themes, please ensure they have been declared compatible by their respective authors or your site may be non-functional after an upgrade.
    1 point
  2. Site logo now changes with light/dark variants of the theme. Changed the language string that appears in place of the file download button to help eliminate confusion when the button is not there. We're working on a better solution than a "it might be this or that" type language string. Footer no longer displays on mobile. Adjusted auto-scaling for sidebar content. Notifications now display colorized icons instead of just a colored border. Site-wide header announcements now stack with the sticky header. Back-to-top button enabled. View full release
    1 point
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