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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/13/2021 in all areas

  1. I was made aware by an user. Then, I created a Hotmail account and checked this was true. I forgot to come back to this topic, but I indeed had to send a support request to Microsoft. They ended up doing something on their end and emails were finally landing in users' inboxes again.
    1 point
  2. 263 downloads

    This application will allow your community to use an invitation system for new registrations. You can make it mandatory (or not, depending on your configuration). In this case, an invitantion code will be required in order to register a new account in your community.Public side features:Users can send invitation in 2 places: + Create menu and Invitations on Account Settings.New icon on board top (beside Notifications and Messenger) to display the converted invitees and how many invites the user has. This icon also shows the remaining invitations for the member (just like how many users are online on Chat).2 widgets: Top Inviters (per week, month, year and general) and Latest Converted Invitees, which are invitations converted to membership.Shows "Invited by" on user profile and on profile card (hover on user link).Tab on user profile to display their invitees (converted invitations)Settings:Enable Invite SystemRequire an Invitation to Register an AccountRestore deleted or expired invitationDisplay "Invitation" option on + Create menuDisplay the popup Invitations link on board top?Display total of remaining invitationsInvitation Expires after X daysEarn one Invitation at every X new content postedACP Features:Invitations Management: a place where you can see the status of each invitation. The status are: PENDING, CONVERTED and EXPIRED. You can invite people, delete or resend invitations. You can also create batch invitations, to be used on a campaign or to be posted elsewhere. It won't send any emails.Bonus form: you can give invitations to a specific member or to a whole member groupNote:It doesn't work in Commerce registration (if you have packages in register screen)
    1 point
  3. The answer provided in this one could very likely be it:
    0 points
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