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    WebFlake System


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/18/2021 in all areas

  1. Download IPS from the Client Area over there, then upload the files and replace them like when doing a typical update. then go to License and click refresh license data or paste in your new license key.
    1 point
  2. "I use this: https://webflake.sx/files/file/5840-dark-light-fluent-design-theme-edition/ I want to remove the Theme by aXenDev." "I know but I only can edit the Most Online, I cant edit Total Topics, Total Post." "There are no settings in the theme settings navbar."
    1 point
  3. Version 2.4.5


    This application will allow your community to use an invitation system for new registrations. You can make it mandatory (or not, depending on your configuration). In this case, an invitantion code will be required in order to register a new account in your community. Public side features: Users can send invitation in 2 places: + Create menu and Invitations on Account Settings. New icon on board top (beside Notifications and Messenger) to display the converted invitees and how many invites the user has. This icon also shows the remaining invitations for the member (just like how many users are online on Chat). 2 widgets: Top Inviters (per week, month, year and general) and Latest Converted Invitees, which are invitations converted to membership. Shows "Invited by" on user profile and on profile card (hover on user link). Tab on user profile to display their invitees (converted invitations) Notification to the member who invited someone when an account is created using their invitation Campaigns: You can bring Invite System to the real world by using campaings, where people can register using same code for a given number of days or until a limit of registration is reached. Campaigns DO NOT send emails. The purpose is to use its code somewhere else. Campaigns are independent from the invitation system, so you can simply leave it disabled if you don't want to use it. You can also use invitations and campaigns together. More. Settings: Enable Invite System Require an Invitation to Register an Account Restore deleted or expired invitation Display "Invitation" option on + Create menu Display the popup Invitations link on board top? Display total of remaining invitations Invitation Expires after X days Earn one Invitation at every X new content posted More. ACP Features: Invitations Management: a place where you can see the status of each invitation. The status are: PENDING, CONVERTED and EXPIRED. You can invite people, delete or resend invitations. You can also create batch invitations, to be used on a campaign or to be posted elsewhere. It won't send any emails. Bonus form: you can give invitations to a specific member or to a whole member group Integration with Members Shop Integration with Commerce Note: It doesn't work in Commerce registration (if you have packages in register screen)
    1 point
  4. Version 2.6.5 - 4.4.10


    Theme Borx based on modern trends of design and focused on community games theme. A large number of settings are available for full customization of the style. Selected fonts and colors are perfect for gaming forums, beautifully displaying all the content on your site. View demo - veilon.net Login and Pass: test View demo - veilon.net Settings
    1 point
  5. Version 1.0.1


    This mod will let you add Text, HTML and PHP widget IPS4's blocks. also you can disable PHP widget from Admin CP How To Install You just need install the plugin Admin CP > System > Site Features > Plugins > Install 1.0.1 updated to 4.4.x
    1 point
  6. Version 2.0.7


    About This File Main Features: Display thumbnails of topics in the main forum view. Topic's authors or member groups that you specify can change thumbnails. They can choose a thumbnail from images in topic content, external URL, or upload from computer. Ability to generate the thumbnail from Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, and Wistia. Using Ajax, no need to reload the page after changing the thumbnails. Support "Gallery View Mode" with big images in a responsive grid. (credits to Masonry) Widget to display new topics with thumbnails. Option to replace Forum Icons with Topic Thumbnail. Thumbnails in search results, activity. Permissions for viewing and changing thumbnails. A Toggle Show/Hide for members. Support IPS Clubs. Live Demo: http://demo.ipsviet.com/forums/
    1 point
  7. Version 1.1.4


    About This File This plugin only works for IPS 4.x. Client who purchased (BIM34) Topic Thumbnail and are current with renewals, will get a free copy of this version, if they agree to the renewal terms. (This promotion will expire at the end of April 2015) Main Features: Display thumbnails of topics on the main forum view. Topic's authors or member groups that you specify can change thumbnails. They can choose a thumbnail from images in topic content, or from an external URL, or they can upload their images. For the new topic, the first image from the first post will be set as thumbnail automatically. Abitily to generate thumbnail from youtube & vimeo in topic content. Using ajax, no need to reload the page after changing the thumbnails. Support "Gallery View Mode" with big images in responsive grid. (Using masonry grid layout) Widget "Customizable Topics Feed" to display new topics with thumbnails. Replace Forum Icons with Topic Thumbnail. Permissions for viewing and changing thumbnails. A Toggle Show/Hide for members. Standard view: Live Demo: http://ipsviet.com/forum/198-paid-products/ Gallery view: Live demo: http://ipsviet.com/forum/190-tutorials/
    1 point
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