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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/11/2021 in all areas

  1. Version 4.5.4


    Subway is based upon the Metro UI theme used in the Windows OS. It features a simple colour scheme changer, allowing your members to choose their own colour and pattern combination from a preset array. Perfect for any community, very easy to set custom default colours and even easier to add/replace the existing colours with your own! This theme is built on a modern framework with minimal HTML modifications, which means it'll upgrade easily (and usually automatically) between IPS versions.
    1 point
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Create an OTT website similar to Netflix, Amazon Prime, or YouTube with Streamit. Multipurpose Streamit Video Streaming Template is a powerful WordPress theme for OTT Streaming platforms. It's a sleek and clean theme. With some unique features and awesome UI / UX elements, StreamIt is the perfect package for any media or video, movie and show web application. It has beautiful interface pages, a fully functional admin panel, a rating list and a list of users.You can add movies as well as shows to Streamit. You will receive a ready-made login page and a pricing page. This is an extremely functional and simple steering function. Streamit is ideal for creating video blogs, video tutorial sites, and podcasts. Your Streamit is a responsive and fully responsive website. Another use case for Streamit Streamit comes with an attractive demo page and invites you to create an online movie magazine, TV and video streaming website, video blog or video blog site, or event streaming site. Explore all the possibilities with the amazing Streamit. demo
    1 point
  3. Version 2.1.2


    Modern Gamer was built with customization in mind. Using the included settings, you can change the theme to fit any color, game theme and more to make your community feel right at home. Unlike some themes, Modern Gamer isn’t locked down to what you see in the screenshots. While Modern Gamer by default comes in its Classic Green, you can use Xenforo’s Color Palette feature to use any color imaginable! What’s more, you can take full advantage of the comprehensive style settings to change other features as well. Looking for a Call of Duty template? Add an amazing full-screen wallpaper, add custom node image banners, and change your color palette. Looking for a full-screen MOBA game portal? Set your theme to full-width mode in one click, and edit all the style settings as needed! You can create a theme for any game or genre — from the latest FPS, sports game, MOBA, RTS and more. Modern Gamer gives you the tools — you use your imagination. https://xenforo.com/community/resources/modern-gamer-xf2-10-presets.6545 Demo: https://demo.nulumia.com/xf2/misc/style?style_id=23
    1 point
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