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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/20/2021 in all areas

  1. Version 4.5.4


    Elegant is a minimalistic theme controlled by a color picker, allowing each of your members to choose their own unique color scheme.
    1 point
  2. Version 1.0.2


    Vuex is a new theme with a dark color scheme that can be used for any forums. Main features: Customizable slider with images+captions Customizable footer items Quick side navigation on scroll
    1 point
  3. WebFlake N3XT CSS updates: Added an underline to editor hyperlinks for visibility Removed subforum headers Changed active list color for Release Notes — thanks @Mr. Fury Updated the slider images to be slightly less dark View full release
    1 point
  4. It doesn't work like that. Make a backup of your existing installation and then reupload a fresh copy of
    1 point
  5. Version


    Unbelievably Brilliant Discord Integration for every community Brilliant Discord Integration was designed to work efficiently with every size of the community. This App doesn’t set any limits of community users number to support it brilliantly, therefore it’s ideal for small, medium-sized, and even for really huge forums. Our Brilliant App redefines integration standards Forget the usual problems with: App configuration Role synchronization Adding users into the server and enjoy rethought functionalities offered by our Brilliant Discord Integration App. Our experience allowed us to offer most awaited features: Brilliant transparency in every configuration step We worked with many people to make the configuration possibly simple. And we achieved it! The only thing you have to do is to run the configuration wizard. It contains very helpful field descriptions, and just two text inputs. Perfect synchronization of roles and nicknames Our Application automatically synchronizes roles and nicknames of your community members. This feature allows them to easily identify each other on your Discord server. And gives you possibility to easily manage their permissions. Roles and nicknames are synchronized from your site to Discord server and not the other way around. Innovative notifications solution Brilliant Discord Integration can send notifications about all content on your site to the Discord server. You can select from 25* different types of content + all content from Pages databases, including comments and reviews. You can configure to send notifications only about content from specified categories, only authored by specified members or comment/reviews only for specified content items. To improve notifications' look, you can use configurable Discord's Rich Embeds. *With all official IPS applications (Blogs, Calendar, Commerce, Core, Downloads, Forums, Gallery) installed. Original Magic Invites system Magic Invites allows you to manage who can join your Discord server. You can create invites in ACP, and setup group specific permissions for them. If you have enabled Friendly URLs on your site, you can also use a friendly URL for your invites (example.com/invite/invite_key or example.com/discord/invite/invite_key). Please note that the whole application (including Magic Invites system) works perfect when there are no basic Discord invites on your Discord server. Server security with brilliant Approval Queue Using Magic Invites system, you can force your community members (or just specific groups) to send approval request before they join your Discord server. After administrator accepts a member for just one-time or forever, he is immediately added to your Discord server. Server promotion with Discord Widget Our widget is the best way to promote your Discord server among your community members. Currently it supports 4 official looks from Discord. It may also be a link to a Magic Invite. Note that it only works if you have enabled Server Widget in your Discord server settings. Logging in and registration using Discord Logging in with Discord is automatically enabled when you finish Brilliant Discord Integration's configuration. Moreover, to enable registration using Discord or edit settings of the login method, go to the Login & Registration page in ACP. Easy switch from “Rich Discord Integration” This application gives you an option to automatically migrate the whole configuration and data (members' Discord account links) from Rich Discord Integration. A blue box with a link to the wizard will appear on the top of Configuration page on Brilliant Discord tab in ACP if you already have configured Rich Discord integration on your site.
    1 point
  6. Version


    Fluent Design Theme Edition is a combination of Fluent Design styles Microsoft, iOS Design, Android Design and Google Design. We have also introduced many interesting features that are unique in standard themes. ? ? === Demo === ? ? (Change the theme in the footer to "Fluent Design Theme Edition") ? === Release Notes - [Theme] Fluent Design Theme Edition === ? Comaptibly: (The applications listed below mean specially adapted to the theme or adding support for notification icons) Forums, Calendar, Pages, Blogs, Downloads, Gallery, Commerce, (BIM) Chatbox FREE, Trophies and Medals, Post Notes, (aXen) Secondary Groups Indicator, (aXen) Yours chat entries from Chatbox, (BIM) Hide Link And Code, (GS) Chatbox/Chatbox+ Plus Enhancements, (BIM) GIPHY, Quizzes, (SD) Company Directory, (SD) Course Box, (SD) Game Keys Store, (SD) Image Host, (SD) Live Streams, (SD) My Places, (SD) Newsletter, (SD) Sales Portal Pro, (BIM) Chatbox+, Sticky Notes, (BIM) Quick Search, * NEW in 2.3.1 * Release Notes in Pages Built-in modifications: (aXen) Record Result Line, (aXen) Group formatting in mention, (aXen) Font Awesome 5 in IPS The theme is available in light and dark version
    1 point
  7. Version 2.6.5 - 4.4.10


    Theme Borx based on modern trends of design and focused on community games theme. A large number of settings are available for full customization of the style. Selected fonts and colors are perfect for gaming forums, beautifully displaying all the content on your site. View demo - veilon.net Login and Pass: test View demo - veilon.net Settings
    1 point
  8. 139 downloads

    Has it ever happen to you that you have had enough of those annoying users that troll your forums and misbehave? And you are tired of banning them? If it has, then this hook might come in handy to you. This hook will annoy those irritating users by making their browsing experience very miserable at your forum. Which hopefully will make them go away and troll somewhere else. [b]You can have fun with the annoying users with the following things:[/b] [b]1) Random Blank Pages![/b] You can show blank page to the annoying users at a random percantage. [b]2) Random 404 Error Messages![/b] You can show a 404 error message at a random percantage to the annoying users. [b]3) Minimum Loading Delay Speed! [/b] [b]4) Maximum Loading Delay Speed! [/b] You can make it so that they (the annoying users only) will experience an extremely slow page load at your forum. [b]5) Random Redirections![/b] You can redirect them randomly to whatever url/page that you would like to have some fun. [b]6) Random Posting Restriction![/b] You can restrict the annoying users from posting at a random percantage. [b]7) Forum Exclusion![/b] If for some reason you want them to browse&post normally at a forum/s, then you can exlude that particular forum/s from all the above mentioned things. [b]8) Random PM Disable![/b] You can disable the PM System for annoying users at a random percantage. [b]9) Random Chat Restriction![/b] You can disable Chat access for annoying users at a random percantage. [b]10) Miserable User Message![/b] And as last but not least, if after all this they still won't get the message, you can ram it home to them by showing a message at the board index that will be visible only to them. This was the most fun hook coding for me. [img]http://community.invisionpower.com/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif[/img] [b]Installation:[/b] After you install the MiserableUsers.xml file through Manage Hooks in your Admin Panel, you can configure it to your likings/needs at the System Settings->NenaDice. To have an idea how it looks like when used, please check the below screenshots. The hook is compatible with 3.2.x as well. A follow up application which will give you the possibility to frustrate all the annoying ip addresses as well that you do not want to browse your forum has been released here:
    1 point
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