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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/21/2020 in all areas

  1. Version 2.6.2


    To put it simply, it welcomes newly registered members. It will welcome them with an optional personal message, email or topic alert. From there you can further customize each pm, email or topic message, the subject / title and so on. It also has the ability to welcome members that are added manually through the Admin CP.
    1 point
  2. 1 point
  3. Version 4.0.0


    With this app you can allow your members invite other members. Features: enable/disable system, select allowed groups to use this mod, three invite types: free -> user may or may not enter inviter name; force -> user must enter inviter name; invite only: user must be referred by invite form (with hashed keycode), list of all invited users, list of all invited users in ACP with filter options, invites by referral link, points system integration (any system!), promotion to the new group after reaching specific amount of referred users, ability to enable/disable member powers to raising people via ACP, info in member profiles about referrer, ability to add/edit/remove referred transactions, ability to turn off the "Referrer Information" block in profiles, ability to award referrer if his referrred member made topic/post, invite form, option to enable/disable custom invite message, option to disable invites from the same IP and much more, resend option to resend sent invites, option to approve transaction only if referrer add more than X defined posts. Note: it's a first release of this app for a 4.x series. it's a lifetime purchase! Once time buy = lifetime updates (for a 4.x serie).
    1 point
  4. Version  1.2.0


    The Snow plugin adds a festive, wintry touch to any IPS4 website with configurable JavaScript-driven snow. Features: Snow that gently falls and gathers, with wind speed and direction determined by the mouse X position. Settings provided include: Number of snow particles on screen and active ("falling") at any time Configurable Animation tick rate Snow Color (with color picker) Snow by default is in the header, but can be configured to be in any HTML element ID, or within the document body. Snow "floor" can be set in pixels (the absolute pixel value at which the snow stops falling or sticks) Stickiness of snow (does it stick to the bottom of the window/element or not?) Twinkle effect - snow fades in and out as it goes down the screen Optional support for mobile devices (will be cruel to their CPU and battery!) Enjoy what is perhaps the second most useless plugin ever developed for IPS4! Original BSD-licensed code for snowstorm provided by Scott Schiller (2007). WARNING: Will slow down browsers. As the JavaScript implementing this functionality is not mine, only critical IPS-breaking issues will be fixed. What you see is what you get, take it or leave it.
    1 point
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