Version 1.0.2
Plugin which enhances the information available in the list of names generated when using @mention functionality
Option to show account's online status.
Option to show icons showing the account's notification settings for "Someone mentions me in a post" i.e. email & inline
includes ability to manage the icons for enabled/disabled status of those settings (uses Font-Awesome)
Option to show name of account's primary group.
includes ability to show group as plain text or as formatted in group settings.
Ability to exclude certain groups from the list, as well as exclude banned and validating accounts.
Compatible with IPS 4.1 (tested with, IPS 4.2 and IPS 4.3
Plugin hooks in to the core->global->editor->mentionrow template
This plugin does not provide the ability to mention a group. If you require that functionality, then this plugin is more suitable.