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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/25/2020 in all areas

  1. This applies to all 4.x versions of IPS. Occasionally you'll want to style a specific element on a specific page of your community - maybe you want to change how topic titles are shown inside a topic, or do something specific to the styles used in activity streams, without also altering other screens where the same elements are used. Your first instinct might be to open the template editor and add some custom classnames so you can style them. This would certainly work, but the downside is your template is now customized, so any future IPS4 updates would leave the template out of date. Not ideal by any means. Instead, you can use some helpful attributes that IPS4 adds to the body element, and then build a CSS selector around them. There's four attributes, and they always reference the current page the user is on: data-pageApp - The application key (e.g. core, forums, cms etc.) data-pageModule - The current module with the application (e.g. pages) data-pageController - The current controller within the module (e.g. topic, page etc.) data-pageLocation - Either admin or front. So let's say we want to change how the .ipsPageHeader element looks within topic view. Our selector would look like this: body[data-pageapp="forums"][data-pagemodule="forums"][data-pagecontroller="topic"] .ipsPageHeader { ...your styles } If you don't want to be that specific, you can just use the attributes you need. For example, if you want to change all .ipsPageHeader styles in the Forums app, you'd do: body[data-pageapp="forums"] .ipsPageHeader { ...your styles } Tip: If you don't know the correct app/module/controller for the page you're on, you can find out by visiting the page and then viewing the page source. You'll see these attributes in the body tag near the top. And as always, be sure you add your CSS to custom.css to keep your upgrades easy. https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/themes-and-customizations/tips-tricks_362/targeting-elements-on-specific-pages-with-css-r179/
    1 point
  2. Version 1.9


    Features: Creates welcome thread for the new member. Creates an alert for the new member about the new thread. All phrases start with welcomethread_ for your convenience. Installation: Download Andy-WelcomeThread-1.5.zip and unzip it. Copy the src/addons/Andy/WelcomeThread directory to your server. From the Admin Control Panel Install the add-on. Cron entry: The Cron entry is set to run every ten minutes. So after the new registration is approved, the Welcome thread will be created within ten minutes. Database table: A new table called xf_andy_welcome_thread is created in your database.
    1 point
  3. Super tutorials to keep under the elbow when as I am deeply modifying its site. Hyper useful for those who do not know the coded architecture nor the paths to find the famous lines of codes to modify. Thank you for your work, friends ?
    1 point
  4. To be even more specific, you can target categories or even forums themselves. For example: .cForumRow[data-categoryid="1"] Will only change stuff on the forum category with the ID 1. At the same time: .ipsDataItem[data-forumid="3"] Will only change stuff on the forum with the ID 3. With that in mind you can change the icon to be different for every subforum for example.
    1 point
  5. Version 6.9.12


    Cross-Platform Voice, Video and Text Chat Nulled by Myself For install instruction go HERE
    1 point
  6. Version 1.0.3


    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future. This little plugin adds a 'Preview Post' button to the form area. As community owners and staff, some of you may have come across situations where members of your community have asked for the ability to view their posts outside of the editor, at different sizes, with the BBCode parsed, and under the same CSS classes and templates as actual posts. The Preview Post button does exactly that, when the editor contents are loaded via JS onto a popup dialog and into a predesignated preview template (which by default is set to be the same as the content area of posts). What's New in Version 1.0.3 Bug Fixes: Fixed issue with button not appearing when editing posts. New Features: Button design setting has been added. Accurate BBCode setting has been added. Button has been moved to a separate template. Language string for dialog title has been added.
    1 point
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