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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/02/2020 in all areas

  1. He made it kind of tricky, but here's a relatively easy way to do it: Open your AdminCP Go to Themes section Enable "Designers' Mode" Make note of your theme's ID number: On your Web Server/File Manager/Console, navigate to: "PATH/TO/ips_suite/themes/3/resources/core/front/custom/" Open/Edit "ta.libary.js" and search for: ta_c.innerHTML="Theme by Taman",ta_c.setAttribute("href","https://invisionpower.com/profile/537452-taman/") Note: See the text "Theme by Taman" and the URL "https://invisionpower.com/profile/537452-taman/ "? Remove the "Theme by Taman" text and the URL: ta_c.innerHTML="",ta_c.setAttribute("href","") Note: If you have Notepad++ (or similar text editor), you can use the find and replace feature to "find" the unedited line, and "replace" with the edited line above. Save/Upload Disable "Designers' Mode" Go to the Support section in your AdminCP, select "Something isn't working correctly" and click Continue Congratulations, you're done!
    1 point
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