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  1. DicDal



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  2. Kaneko Sayami

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/10/2020 in all areas

  1. Version 1.0.2


    Vuex is a new theme with a dark color scheme that can be used for any forums. Main features: Customizable slider with images+captions Customizable footer items Quick side navigation on scroll
    1 point
  2. Version 1.0.2


    Main Features Create unlimited categories to store the blackjack tables The categories on the index page shows in nice grid elements The category page will show info on the tables How many people are online at each table The minimum - maximum wagers The last win and the last winner Create unlimited blackjack tables Choose what member groups can view each table Choose what member groups can play on each table Members who have permission to play on the tables will also have permission to chat Allow members to chat to each other with a built in chatbox for each table ( the chat will auto update when new messages are posted ) Select the minimum & maximum wagers on each table Choose from 2 different style tables to play on Each table has it's own latest results column showing the last 100 results from the table ( this will automatically update using jquery and ajax ) ACP Category & Table ListingEach table has it's own button in the ACP listing allow you to check the stats of each table Total Games Played Total Points Paid In Total Points Paid Out Total Profit Total Member Wins Total Dealer Wins Total Pushes Widgets Show a list of the biggest gamblers Show a list of the highest win ( This is unique to the member so if the member has the highest 2 wins it will only show their highest win and not place them twice in the list ) Show a list of the members who have won the most hands Select how many you want to show in each widget
    1 point
  3. In content count u have to change "More than" to "Exactly" or sth like this.
    1 point
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