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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/27/2020 in all areas

  1. Version


    Fluent Design Theme Edition is a combination of Fluent Design styles Microsoft, iOS Design, Android Design and Google Design. We have also introduced many interesting features that are unique in standard themes. ? ? === Demo === ? ? (Change the theme in the footer to "Fluent Design Theme Edition") ? === Release Notes - [Theme] Fluent Design Theme Edition === ? Comaptibly: (The applications listed below mean specially adapted to the theme or adding support for notification icons) Forums, Calendar, Pages, Blogs, Downloads, Gallery, Commerce, (BIM) Chatbox FREE, Trophies and Medals, Post Notes, (aXen) Secondary Groups Indicator, (aXen) Yours chat entries from Chatbox, (BIM) Hide Link And Code, (GS) Chatbox/Chatbox+ Plus Enhancements, (BIM) GIPHY, Quizzes, (SD) Company Directory, (SD) Course Box, (SD) Game Keys Store, (SD) Image Host, (SD) Live Streams, (SD) My Places, (SD) Newsletter, (SD) Sales Portal Pro, (BIM) Chatbox+, Sticky Notes, (BIM) Quick Search, * NEW in 2.3.1 * Release Notes in Pages Built-in modifications: (aXen) Record Result Line, (aXen) Group formatting in mention, (aXen) Font Awesome 5 in IPS The theme is available in light and dark version
    2 points
  2. A few hours ago, we received a report demanding the removal of a particular file from our database. File in question: [Dark / Light] Fluent Design Theme Edition Here's a screenshot of that report. If you're interested in the link that you see in the screenshot, it just directs to a post in the support thread for the Fluent Design Theme on the Invision Marketplace. If you're thinking the author of the report seems familiar, you're not crazy! @aXen is the very same aXen | 1s2k, author of the Fluent Design Theme. After reaching out to aXen via private message, cordially informing him that we would not be removing the theme, aXen chose to threaten myself, and WebFlake, with litigation, ala "the courts" and "the law". To be clear, this thread isn't a retaliation for his threat per se because, frankly, we've had far more relevant individuals attempt to neutralize this community and to no avail. I'm posting this thread to highlight one of the prominent reasons WebFlake exists: people like aXen. Did you know that aXen has been a member of this community since October 12th, 2014? To date, aXen has downloaded 372 unique files from our database. That is 300+ files that aXen has benefited from but insists that "the law" is on his side regarding the removal of the Fluent Design Theme. He is perfectly content to be a part of the very same cycle that he is threatening litigation against — but only when it benefits him. I'm not at all interested in shakedowns, extortion, or idle threats from people like aXen. For any questions or concerns, you can reach aXen at [email protected]. You can also find his site listed as the demo for the aforementioned theme.
    2 points
  3. Version 1.0.2


    Vuex is a new theme with a dark color scheme that can be used for any forums. Main features: Customizable slider with images+captions Customizable footer items Quick side navigation on scroll
    1 point
  4. I'm using it since WebFlake posted it haha.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. Alright, thanks to @Voldri for the help. He noticed that the problem was the Applications Forms app. It messed up some features in the forums.
    1 point
  7. Alright, thanks to @Voldri for the help. He noticed that the problem was the Applications Forms app. It messed up some features in the forums.
    1 point
  8. I added you on discord
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Nothing is ever obvious, as evidenced by your lack of effort to search our forums before posting an issue that has been resolved before. Food for thought.
    1 point
  11. I might just download his theme, apply it, and spit on my monitor.
    1 point
  12. Version 1.0.0


    Pages SuperTopics is a set of Pages block templates to show topic and post feeds from the forums app in the popular SuperGrid layout, previously only available for Pages databases. The SuperTopics templates pull the first image attachment from each post/topic and show these images beautifully along with the post title. Perfect for forums where posts usually contain images or where you want to highlight certain topics. Live Demo What’s needed: IPS 4.3 or 4.4 in their most recent version with both the Pages and Forums application. The Forum app is where the content is taken from and Pages is needed to create the custom blocks using the SuperTopics templates. (Note: This does not affect the regular post/topics widget provided with the forums app. You need to create new blocks using Pages.) Which templates are included: A topic feed template, which pulls the first full-size attachment image from the entire topic. A post feed template, which shows the first full-size attachment from the post, if there is one. Detailed Feature Description and Notes: The templates are fully responsive and the blocks can be used both in horizontal (3 rows if screen size permits) and vertical widget containers. The templates come with several options you can easily adjust through the included settings plugin. Settings apply to all SuperTopics blocks if you have more than one. Show or hide post preview for post feeds Image aspect ratio Show or hide user avatars Avatar alignment Show or hide author and post time Author/post time alignment Title alignment Show block title Use 4.2. boxed style Use fallback image, when the post/topic doesn’t contain attachments
    1 point
  13. Version 1.0.0


    DarkFire is Premium Responsive MyBB 1.8 Theme for Gaming Forums, but also for any other usage too.It relies almost 100% on Bootstrap 3 with minimum overrides and it’s 99% tables. If you are familiar with Bootstrap 3 it’ll be like fun dealing with this MyBB theme.This is clean, basic version (default-red), but it has four more color combinations: Green Orange Purple Blue -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Features Sidebar/Full width. Font Awesome icons. Supported MyBB Plugins. Very original and unique 3D Forum look. Beautiful, professional Header and Footer. Customized for both classic and Modern Postbit. Social Share included. Custom, beautiful Editor. Extensive Documentation. One of the best Responsive/Mobile look among MyBB Themes.
    1 point
  14. Version 1.9.6


    Custom profile fields datepicker fix /functions.php /page-user-registration.php /css/main.css DEMO Use Webflake <3 forums for help Besoin d'aide MP (French Support PM)
    1 point
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