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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/23/2020 in all areas

  1. I'm pleased to announce that we're once again accepting applications for the WebFlake Staff Team. Before applying for a role with our Staff team, please review the basic information for what is expected of each role and the necessary criteria you must meet in order to apply. You can find this information on the new Application Prerequisites page. This reminder — and a link to the prerequisites page — is displayed at the top of our application forms. To apply, head over to WebFlake.sx/Apply (also located at About Us > Apply), select a role you'd like to apply for, and complete the application to the best of your ability. Remember: if you submit an application without meeting the necessary requirements, your application will be rejected and you may be barred from future application submissions. If we find any of your application to be inaccurate or misleading, your application will be rejected and your account could face penalties. A few other notes: Expert is not an available role at this time. We're currently evaluating the future of the group. Expert apps available! The application page and the current format is rather primitive and is likely to be changed in the near future. You are unable to view another user's submission. You should be able to review yours after submitting it. Staff will leave feedback or ask additional questions of you via the comment section below your application. You will be able to see a tag denoting the current status of your application and they are as follows: Pending: your application has not yet been reviewed. Under Review: we are currently reviewing your application. Rejected: your application has been rejected and you should receive feedback on why within a few hours. Accepted: your application has been accepted and you'll be receiving a message on the site (or Discord) shortly thereafter. Please be patient after submitting an application. We do not have a predefined time frame for a response. It could be a few hours or a few days. We will review your application, we promise. Do not post topics or send PMs inquiring into the status of your application or it will be rejected. If you have any questions or feedback regarding this new application page and/or the process, feel free to respond below.
    1 point
  2. Version 3.1.0


    This plugin will hide LINKS, CODE, IMAGES and [HIDE] in forum posts automatically. Members can use REACTIONS or REPLY to see the hidden content. Features: Select content to hide: images, external links, code, [hide] tag, attachments Option to specify groups can bypass the hidden content. REACTIONS or Reply to see the hidden content. Supports Clubs.
    1 point
  3. Version 4.2.8


    IPS Community Suite 4.2.8 Released 3/6/2018 Please note the following: This distribution is not nulled. This is not recommended for use with live environments. A license key will be required.
    1 point
  4. If you wanted to do it via codes, edit templates > GlobalTemplates find: <if test="skinchangerInner:|:count($footer_items['skin_chooser']) > 1"> <li> <a rel="nofollow" id='new_skin' href='#'>{$this->lang->words['change_theme']}</a> <ul id='new_skin_menucontent' class='ipbmenu_content with_checks' style='display: none'> <foreach loop="$footer_items['skin_chooser'] as $skin"> <li <if test="$skin['selected']">class='selected'</if>> <a href='#' data-clicklaunch='changeSkin' data-skinid='{$skin['id']}'>{$skin['title']}</a> </li> </foreach> </ul> </li> </if> Remove that or add the <!-- --> Tags
    1 point
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