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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/18/2020 in all areas

  1. I might just download his theme, apply it, and spit on my monitor.
    1 point
  2. Seems to have been a minor template error. Fixed now though. Thanks for the tip!
    1 point
  3. Version 1.2.2


    This plugin will display the country flag of user in several places of the entire suite, including third-party resources. It uses the Geolocation to grab the country when a new user register an account or when existing users logs in on your board. Clicking on the flag will give you a list of all users from that country. Important Notice: IPS Geolocation is an active license perk so you need to have an active license to countries get picked by IP Address. Usage: New members: new members will have their country detected when they register the account Existing members: Country will be recognized when member is online or if allowed by the admin, go to Account Settings and pick your country. Settings: Display country flag everywhere: will display the country flag in several places from official apps like on Forums, Gallery, Blogs, Pages, Gallery, Downloads, including its widgets and third-party resources. If disabled, will display the country name + flag only on user profile. Groups allowed to change the country: users from selected groups will be able to change their country on Account Settings. Sometimes Geolocation
    1 point
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