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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/15/2020 in all areas

  1. Version


    Fluent Design Theme Edition is a combination of Fluent Design styles Microsoft, iOS Design, Android Design and Google Design. We have also introduced many interesting features that are unique in standard themes. ? ? === Demo === ? ? (Change the theme in the footer to "Fluent Design Theme Edition") ? === Release Notes - [Theme] Fluent Design Theme Edition === ? Comaptibly: (The applications listed below mean specially adapted to the theme or adding support for notification icons) Forums, Calendar, Pages, Blogs, Downloads, Gallery, Commerce, (BIM) Chatbox FREE, Trophies and Medals, Post Notes, (aXen) Secondary Groups Indicator, (aXen) Yours chat entries from Chatbox, (BIM) Hide Link And Code, (GS) Chatbox/Chatbox+ Plus Enhancements, (BIM) GIPHY, Quizzes, (SD) Company Directory, (SD) Course Box, (SD) Game Keys Store, (SD) Image Host, (SD) Live Streams, (SD) My Places, (SD) Newsletter, (SD) Sales Portal Pro, (BIM) Chatbox+, Sticky Notes, (BIM) Quick Search, * NEW in 2.3.1 * Release Notes in Pages Built-in modifications: (aXen) Record Result Line, (aXen) Group formatting in mention, (aXen) Font Awesome 5 in IPS The theme is available in light and dark version
    1 point
  2. A few hours ago, we received a report demanding the removal of a particular file from our database. File in question: [Dark / Light] Fluent Design Theme Edition Here's a screenshot of that report. If you're interested in the link that you see in the screenshot, it just directs to a post in the support thread for the Fluent Design Theme on the Invision Marketplace. If you're thinking the author of the report seems familiar, you're not crazy! @aXen is the very same aXen | 1s2k, author of the Fluent Design Theme. After reaching out to aXen via private message, cordially informing him that we would not be removing the theme, aXen chose to threaten myself, and WebFlake, with litigation, ala "the courts" and "the law". To be clear, this thread isn't a retaliation for his threat per se because, frankly, we've had far more relevant individuals attempt to neutralize this community and to no avail. I'm posting this thread to highlight one of the prominent reasons WebFlake exists: people like aXen. Did you know that aXen has been a member of this community since October 12th, 2014? To date, aXen has downloaded 372 unique files from our database. That is 300+ files that aXen has benefited from but insists that "the law" is on his side regarding the removal of the Fluent Design Theme. He is perfectly content to be a part of the very same cycle that he is threatening litigation against — but only when it benefits him. I'm not at all interested in shakedowns, extortion, or idle threats from people like aXen. For any questions or concerns, you can reach aXen at [email protected]. You can also find his site listed as the demo for the aforementioned theme.
    1 point
  3. Hello Guys, thx for the Interest, but @Jrock helped me with both already. This can be closed. ?
    1 point
  4. You can remove the index.php from.the link. Its called friendly-url. Search in acp
    1 point
  5. Version 1.0.1


    UI.X Pro Designed with the ideal approach for your forum to increase community interaction, offer a high-quality user experience, and increase earning potential. UI.X Pro is a combination of our knowledge gained after over a decade of helping customers build thriving communities and methods utilized by giants in the social media industry. UI.X Pro has the tools and support you need with installation, configuration, and customization by us; the essential added features your users have come to expect; and a partner moving forward for ideas and help with your forum. UI.X 2 Based on its popular XenForo 1 predecessor, UI.X 2 is more than just a theme and continues to push the boundaries of intelligent, performant, perfected design. With modern tools that increase user interactions and a familiar user interface based on Google’s ever popular Material design backed by a team well-versed in the XenForo software. Standard or sticky navigation, sidebar, and userbar Right to left and full internationalization support Dozens of locations, styles, and positions for components such as header, search bar, sidebar, navigation, social media links, and more Collapsible nodes, sidebar, postbit, and signatures Almost all style information, colors, sizes, images, fonts, etc can be edited via Style Properties Topics Improve content discovery and allow users to label and organize threads using a new idea called Topics. Currently, a single thread can only live in one node and can be difficult and time consuming for users to find. Topics solves the challenge by enhancing a forum's content discoverability and creating a better user experience. Filter content so users can select and view just the Topics that interest them Create threads that can be discovered in multiple places using Thread Topics Filter Thread Topics by best match, matches all, or matches any Organize with multi-colored labels Set minimum and maximum Topics to be set per thread
    1 point
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