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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/2020 in all areas

  1. Version 4.4.10


    Invision Community Suite 4.4.10 WebFlake Release Date: 2/20/2020 WebFlake Note: Please create a support topic in IPS Support if you need assistance.
    1 point
  2. Updated outstanding necessary edits for references to Uploader/Support Team. Updated several outdated apps/plugins. Restricted content access for Guests in Support/Tutorial forums. Topic titles are viewable but the content of the first post and all replies are not. Bots are not restricted to avoid SEO penalties. Updated our Q&A Challenges to be less complex. Disabled the following apps/plugins: Chatbox+ Copy Code to Clipboard Group Formatting in Mention Added new Staff directories for Designers and Developers on our Staff page. DISCORD: #general is now open to all users, which means you do not need to have your accounts linked to chat. You'll need to link your Discord account to your WebFlake account to use any other channels, including #support. If you violate our Discord server's rules at any time, as an unlinked user, you'll be permanently banned from Discord. Zero tolerance policy. DISCORD: Discord linking/syncing is now functional. You'll see what appears to be a mass exodus of users from the server that are really just users being retroactively banned by the system. DISCORD: Our #downloads-feed channel will only populate new submissions after those submissions are approved. View full release
    1 point
  3. Version 5.12.1


    English: The plugin updates the Font Awesome version to version 5 without destroying the icons embedded in IPS version 4. The plugin uses the official site https://use.fontawesome.com/ Change Log => https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md Polski: Wtyczka aktualizuje wersję Font Awesome do wersji 5 bez niszczenia ikon osadzonych w IPS w wersji 4. Wtyczka korzysta z oficjalnej strony https://use.fontawesome.com/ Dziennik zmian => https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md
    1 point
  4. Hi Darkam, welcome to the website. Enjoy
    1 point
  5. Hey, would love to see this plugin updated ?
    1 point
  6. Version


    IPS Community Suite Released 05/10/2017 WebFlake Note: Please create a support topic if you need assistance. As always, we recommend that you backup your current installation (database included) before upgrading.
    1 point
  7. 482 downloads

    Credits: @samukka Introducing Vivid! A dark, beautiful flex theme that has a sidebar to make whole body overlay with the content. *NEW* Framework You don’t just get a simple theme, you’ll get settings that will change the default framework into your own. It’s your website, make it yours! *NEW* Language Setting Keys In this theme, we've set up the language keys for our settings. I know all of you were dying to wait for this, so you can understand the settings very well. *NEW* Secondary Footer: Twitter Integration Introducing Twitter integration! In the configuration settings, you'll be able to enable/disable, modify the Twitter footer title, and of course, input your user profile name. *NEW* Social Icons In our new framework, we introduce you with new social icons: Instagram, Dribbble, Soundcloud, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. *NEW* Back to Top Also in our framework, when you scroll down, you'll see the back to top button so you don't have to scroll yourself. *NEW* Hide/Show Sidebar On the right side of the sidebar, you'll be able to hide and show the sidebar by simply toggling the sidebar button. Also, a huge thanks to @Martin A. for helping me with the cookie. *NEW* Hide/Show Horizontal Footer Widget(s) On the right side of the horizontal footer title, you'll be able to hide and show the widget(s) by simply toggling the arrow button. Google Font Choose your own font to be display everywhere on your forum. Google Font Weight(s) Put more styles into the new font you chose. Override Site Title Spice up your site title by putting in the title you want to be display on the header. Body Background Image By default, you'll be able to upload a background to make the content overlay with your selected background. Enable Secondary Footer Need more storage for the footer? Don’t worry, we created another footer so you can store more stuff or anything that you want inside. Secondary Footer: About Us Also on the secondary footer, we made an about us section so you can describe your site and your users interests. Appearance You will get setting(s) of changing the default colors to your own liking.
    1 point
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