Version 1.2.0
About This File
(1.)2.0 is here, no idea why we jumped to far but why not!
Demo account:
Username: test, password: test
Please pay attention to the ACP instruction while working with the slider!
For the slider we chose let your work with JSON to allow you to add as many slides as you want!
This is a example of JSON for your slider:
"Crankchips": {
"text": "This is v1.0",
"button": {
"text": "Check this out!",
"link": "https:\/\/\/"
"Crankchips v2.0": {
"text": "This is v2.0"
This is a example of JSON code for a slider with 2 slides.
The objects inside the first (main) json ( defined by an opened curly bracket => { ) must have this specific form:
"Crankchips": {
"text": "This is v1.0",
"button": {
"text": "Check this out!",
"link": "https:\/\/\/"
"Crankchips": {
"text": "This is v1.0",
"button": {
"text": "Check this out!",
"link": "https:\/\/\/"
Where "Crankychips" is the title of the slide, and the object after the colon ( : ) are the properties of the slide, the first property is "text" which represents the content of your slide, the second property ( which is also an object ) is "button" which has properties too, those being "text" ( again but as property of the "button" object ) which represents the button text on which users will click to read more about your slide and the "link" property which represents the link where the users will be sent to when clicking the button.
The title and property of every slide should be passed through an online JSON escape tool like this one!
If you are one of the first 10 buyers contact us about a freebie. It's free!