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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/09/2019 in all areas

  1. Version 4.0.7


    This is very simple chat system with the basic features: Ajax chat, auto update. Display as IPS widgets, so you can place it in sidebar or top page. Sound notification. User can toggle on/off. Admins/Moderators can block users. Users can ignore some chatters they don't want to see. Load more messages when scrolling end (or top). Announcement (on Top or Tab). Supports emoticons, URL, Image URL (gif, png, jpg) *NEW* Supports GUGGY to turn any text message into funny GIF and Sticker by using /guggy command (Eg: /guggy I love you) *NEW* Supports GIPHY to finds GIFs and Stickers by using /giphy command (Eg: /giphy happy new year) *NEW* Supports Youtube, playing video in iframe and popup @mention by clicking on usernames. Flood control. Bad word filters. Time format. Display newer messages in top or bottom. Permissions for viewing, chatting & management. Edit/Delete messages.
    1 point
  2. This is not the proper venue for disputing warnings; this is outlined in our guidelines. That being said, given your history, I'll address it anyway. First and foremost, warnings do not expire, never have and never will. They serve as a chronicle for our Staff team that aids in determining how to handle disciplinary action. Account penalties are cumulative, in that when a user reaches ten warning points, they're permanently banned from the community. "Unfair and abusive" is reporting a Minecraft theme and saying "Minecraft, is a whore drug of pedophiles, pollution and psychosocial diseases". "Unfair and abusive" is retaliating for the warning you received for the bogus report, by uploading empty ZIP files as new versions of files you had already submitted, deleting the original copies. "Unfair and abusive" is reporting my response to your shit suggestion to add a Joomla section, dubbing me a "troll" for stating we don't have any interest in adding it. "Unfair and abusive" is whining that we deleted one of your submissions that contained malicious code. "Unfair and abusive" is whining again when we delete a file which contained links to an external download source, something we've always prohibited on this site. You, sir, are the absolute definition of "unfair and abusive" in this community. You should count your blessings that I've allowed you to remain but every few months you decide to stir up some shit, for whatever reason, and my patience is on empty. The next time you speak out of turn about this community, other members, our rules, my Staff team, or any other sort of negative bullshit will result in a permanent ban for you. Good day.
    1 point
  3. Sorry, the answer was in the topic template itself, since there is a navigation link at the bottom. The answer is to use "<a href="{$topic->container()->url()}" title="{lang="go_to_forum" sprintf="$topic->container()->metaTitle()"}" rel="parent">" for whatever back button you want to create.
    1 point
  4. Version 1.5.0


    Coded with ♥ Chatbox+ is a chat application that uses Ajax calls to the server to get new messages. Supports chatting in rooms, IPS clubs and the Private one-2-one chat. The chat boxes can display in widget, new page, or floating on the bottom right to allow member easy to chat with each other. Demo 1 with basic input form: https://demo.ipsviet.com/chat/room/2-demo-1-basic-input-form/ Demo 2 with Full Editor: https://demo.ipsviet.com/chat/room/3-demo-2-with-full-editor/ Demo 3 with a floating popup on bottom right: https://demo.ipsviet.com/forums/ Features: *NEW* Private one-2-one chat (like Facebook): (this feature is in beta testing, there will probably be undiscovered issues, we will fix issues that come up as quick as possible) Chat boxes display on bottom right allow member to chat with each other. Multi chat at same time. Permission for who can use the private chat. Ability to select skin for each box. Load more messages on scroll up (or down). Easy to find member name to start the chat. Sound notification for new message. Minimize and close chat boxes. Supports Clean Text Input with emoji, Guggy/Giphy plugins, Youtube, URL, image URL. Supports Lazyload images. Interval in miliseconds. Flood control. Message length limit. Permission to edit/delete messages. Fully responsive - will adapt to mobile, tablet, desktop. (To-do: ignore member, new conversation style, tool to delete all conversations, invite member to a conversation...) Rooms & Clubs Chat Admin can create multiple rooms, display rooms in widgets, or a new page. Club owner can create a room. Announcement & Rules for each room. Online Users list. Allow guest to join and chat with their custom nickname and random avatar. Floating Popup: Show room in a a floating popup on the bottom of the pages so users can chat anywhere. Toggle show/hide the popup. Option to hide popup chat on mobile. Many stylish designs available: 5 skins: 3 styles for messages: Standard Bubbles Condensed User controls: On/Off sound notification. Open chat in a popup. Select skins. Moderator controls: Edit Announcement. Block/unblock users. Clean room (delete all messages). Quick edit/delete a message. Input message: Clean text: only supports URL, image URL, Youtube URL, Giphy, Guggy. Editor: You can use full formatting from Editor: color, bold, size, emoticons... and all Editor's plugins. System messages to notify: New content posted (post, comment, review) from 3rd-party apps, supports: Forums, Downloads, Pages, Gallery, Blogs, Calendar, Videobox, Musicbox. New announcement. User joined/left room. Auto Messages: Create multiple messages with cycle time in seconds. Select a member as a bot to post the messages automatically every X seconds. Others: Supports playing a song from Musicbox Report center integration allows users to report bad massages. Auto loads old messages when scrolling down (or up). Highlight the message row if someone mentions you. Flood control, max messages, limit characters, sorting messages... Show online users in the panel. Lazyload images. Fully responsive.
    1 point
  5. Firstly I'd like to inform the house that I have been busy with duties away from this place, mainly involving an established facility of education for which I had been and continue to be working towards an objective to secure future prospects. So I hope my sudden absence was not taken as a sign of contempt or disdain towards this place or it's members, as nothing could be further from the truth on these matters. Also I wish to sincerely apologise to anyone of mine acquaintance and to those who had made requests of me and that I had given effect to such requests by stating I would work on such tasks. I would like to make it crystal clear that I very much have a soft spot for this place, not only due to the people for whom I had conversations and dealings with in the past but also the spirit of cooperation and learning that is championed by it's members of varying experience, skill and ability. Be it known that in no way am I claiming myself an expert, but what I have learnt during my experience with IPS I have picked up tricks that have assisted me greatly in getting by, and sometimes knowledge in getting by is often knowledge enough, and still be information enough to be of use to others. I feel I should make clear that my intention to be more active in this place and in the other place is one I intend to stick to, and will do my utmost best ensure I am able to do so. So if it is the case that honourable and right honourable members wish to contact me know that my door is always open and that I shall do my very best to accommodate you, when of course the earliest opportunity does so present itself to me. I would also like to specifically call upon the right honourable @ Cookie Monster and show him appreciation for the courteous way he has conducted himself himself whenever we've conversed in the past and at times the patience and understanding he has shown. A kindness that often goes underappreciated, so I wished to thank him for it. It is also a hope that in the future, preferably sooner rather than later we shall find opportunity to converse again, and there is no doubt in my mind that we'll bump into the right honourable member during our rounds at this house. --- (too British; didn't read: Hey guys! Sorry about not reading around for a really-really long time now. Have been focusing on college and other stuff like writing and other projects. I'll be trying to be more active again, as I missed this place and the community. I'm happy to help where I can, and whom I can.)
    1 point
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Style FLine 2.5.1 - 4.3 / 4.4+ Dark FLine game style for the IPB 4.4.x forum A huge number of customization settings: slider, articles, etc. Name: FLine Version: 2.5.1 Compatibility: IPS 4.2.x - 4.4.x Demo: veilon.net Info: https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8680-%F0%9F%94%A5-fline/
    -1 points
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