Right, but the format of this subforum and actual WF is to provide support for issues, not to make something for someone.
Just based on the latest topics you've made and the frames, I can say for certain you are experiencing some issues, that's why I recommended you to hire someone, no need to be rude. And trust me there aren't many who will actually go and check it out, It takes time and effort to test out something a user asks for.
Just to understand me correctly..
Support is helping to do it:
So to display the birthday in the postContainer you need to pass the variable author, check if it's enabled in the \IPS\Settings for the current user, then if yes display it.
Doing for someone:
{{if $comment->author()->birthday AND \IPS\Settings::i()->profile_birthday_type == 'public' or ( \IPS\Settings::i()->profile_birthday_type == 'private' and \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id == $comment->author()->member_id )}}
<li class='ipsDataItem'>
<span class='ipsDataItem_generic ipsDataItem_size3 ipsType_break'><strong>{lang="bday"}</strong></span>
<span class='ipsDataItem_generic'>{$comment->author()->birthday}</span>
I hope you will read till the end LUL.