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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/07/2019 in all areas

  1. Version 4.4.10


    Invision Community Suite 4.4.10 WebFlake Release Date: 2/20/2020 WebFlake Note: Please create a support topic in IPS Support if you need assistance.
    3 points
  2. Version 1.3.4


    This is very simple chat system with the basic features: Ajax chat, auto update. Display as IPS widgets, so you can place it in sidebar or top page. Sound notification. User can toggle on/off. Admins/Moderators can block users. Users can ignore some chatters they don't want to see. Load more messages when scrolling end (or top). Announcement (on Top or Tab). Support emoticons, URL, Image URL (gif, png, jpg) @mention by clicking on usernames. Flood control. Bad word filters. Time format. Display newer messages in top or bottom. Permissions for viewing, chatting & management. Edit/Delete messages. Staff note: this is still 1.3.4, just repackaged. Previous submission had a broken ZIP file.
    1 point
  3. Version


    About This File IPS 4.4 ONLY For IPS 4.3, use version 3.5.7 Member Map is an application that allows your users to put their (Exact or approx) location onto an interactive map. Member Map has a permission model so you can limit which groups can add to the map. As an administrator you have the ability to create custom groups where your community (when allowed) can place other markers in the map, for example if they would like to post the location of an upcoming meet, exhibits, shops, etc. For developers If you are a developer and you store location data in your app that you'd like to show on the map, you can now do so creating a membermap/Mapmarkers extension. Instruction on how to use it is included in the auto-generated file. What's New in Version See changelog Released September 6 If you have Pages records that have a location stored, this can now be shown in the map It is finally compatible with the Member Location plugin. In the list of profile fields, you'll see an entry for this plugin on top of the list. You may have to press the link in the "Import members" setting to restart the sync process after changing the Added a setting to disable the "Staff" grouping in the member list sidebar Added a setting where you can define the profile fields that should be visible in the marker popup for members. No, you did not miss v3.6.3. I know I skipped it. Fixed an untranslated language string in the activity stream
    1 point
  4. Version 3.1.2


    This is very simple chat system with the basic features: Ajax chat, auto update. Display as IPS widgets, so you can place it in sidebar or top page. Sound notification. User can toggle on/off. Admins/Moderators can block users. Users can ignore some chatters they don't want to see. Load more messages when scrolling end (or top). Announcement (on Top or Tab). Supports emoticons, URL, Image URL (gif, png, jpg) *NEW* Supports GUGGY to turn any text message into funny GIF and Sticker by using /guggy command (Eg: /guggy I love you) *NEW* Supports GIPHY to finds GIFs and Stickers by using /giphy command (Eg: /giphy happy new year) *NEW* Supports Youtube, playing video in iframe and popup @mention by clicking on usernames. Flood control. Bad word filters. Time format. Display newer messages in top or bottom. Permissions for viewing, chatting & management. Edit/Delete messages. What's New in Version 3.1.1 Released September 10 Fixed js problems when loading chatbox
    1 point
  5. Version 1.0.11


    This plugin extends (BIM) Chatbox by creating a new chat when a new topic/item or comment/review is posted. You can configure which user groups can use it and in which forums/categories/nodes. Extra feature soon: add minimal post count to write in chat done (1.0.11) automated messages / Bot (based on content / author of last message) Automation Rules integration (very useful to send custom automated message) 2 template options (default, minimal), minimal is like for new registration on activity stream done (1.0.11) Note: I am available to suggestions for improvements. Demo Requirements What's New in Version 1.0.11 See changelog Released Sunday at 08:02 PM 1.0.7 notification of registrations now work also from Login Handlers reviews/comments notification restored improved item notification topic notification fixed (statuses link solved) added a link into AdminCP module of bimchatbox (Chatbox > Settings) to quick edit Chatbox Extenders configurations 1.0.8 fix on settings "Something went wrong. please try again" (here) 1.0.9 notification for new comment/review now show title of item (not "Link") 1.0.10 fix, avoid notification when item is moved and leave link option is checked 1.0.11 Condensed template option, one line for each results (only for new chats) Minimum posts for chat (This only cover user submitted chat, not the notification) With thanks from @KeRRR
    1 point
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