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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/30/2019 in all areas

  1. Hello welcome to my store, i am selling any udemy courses for $5 you can choose any course you wish in any Language. The course will be gifted to your udemy account email. Add my skype to purchase: live:brunommartins3 or discord: Isanvel#5434 payment method accepted: -BTC -Paypal
    1 point
  2. Is it correct the version on your user info panel? I mean you run 4.1? If yes try to comment the below content: core > front > global > reputation {{if $content->canGiveReputation( -1 )}} <a href='{$content->url( 'rep' )->setQueryString( 'rep', -1 )->csrf()}' data-action="giveReputation" class='ipsButton ipsButton_like ipsButton_veryLight'><i class='fa fa-times'></i> <span class='ipsHide' data-role='repCount'>{$content->reputation()}</span> {lang="unlike"}</a> {{endif}} and core > front > global > reputationMini {{if $canRepDown}} <a href='{$giveRepUrl->setQueryString( array( 'rep' => -1, 'mini' => 1 ) )->csrf()}' data-action="giveReputation">{lang="unlike"}</a> {{endif}}
    1 point
  3. I haven't tried it in latest version but it works to previous version that I had to apply. If it's not working, reply to take a look. From your theme's templates open the: core > front > global > reputation and delete or (better) comment the bellow content: <a href='{$content->url( 'unreact' )->csrf()}' class='ipsReact_unreact {{if $content->reacted() == FALSE}}ipsHide{{endif}}' data-action='unreact' data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="reaction_remove"}'>&times;</a> Also, open the core > front > global > reputationMini and do the same thing as above: <li> <a href='{$content->url( 'unreact' )->csrf()}' class='ipsReact_unreact {{if $content->reacted() == FALSE}}ipsHide{{endif}}' data-action='unreact' data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="reaction_remove"}'>&times;</a> </li>
    1 point
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