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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/14/2019 in all areas

  1. Version 4.3.6


    IPS Community Suite 4.3.6 Released 9/20/2018 WebFlake Note: Please create a support topic if you need assistance. As always, we recommend that you backup your current installation (database included) before upgrading.
    1 point
  2. Version 1.0.8


    This add-on has excellent features and friendly UI. It is compatible with most versions of XenForo (2.0.x). Key features: Ability to create unlimited categories and nested categories for groups. Ability to create unlimited custom fields for each category. Custom fields then will be shown in group details. Show custom field position, data types, create PHP callback for Fields, Ability to group members and easily manage member roles and permissions in group. Events. Each group has ability to create their own events. Sub Forums. Avatar supported. Each group has ability to easily upload their avatar Cover photos supported. Each group has ability to easily upload their cover Ability to create unlimited group custom fields Much more.... Group Category: many options available to manage groups: Required minimum tags which groups must be provide. Default set group privacy, only apply to newly created groups. Manage user group permissions to create groups in categories. Manage user group permissions to view groups inside the category. Member Roles: manage member roles in each group Easy to create more roles Easy to manage group member roles. Powerful options to control member permissions inside the group. Events: Ability to attach files when creating events. Ability to post comments in events. Intelligent notifications: new events created, new comments posted, … Easy to filter events: ongoing events, upcoming events and past event. Friendly layouts with 2 options available: List or Calendar, Integrate with Google Map. Gallery and Media: (This options required XenForo Media Gallery add-on) Members of group can create album inside group Albums visibility be controlled by group privacy. (Please see Group Privacy section for more information) Group Forums: Fully integrate with XenForo forums. Each group will have their own forum to post their own threads and use XenForo sub-forums to archive these threads. These threads are shown to the public or not depending on group Privacy options. Archive all groups forums to single XenForo node. Group Privacy: Public, Closed and Secret. Each privacy option has its own settings. Public Group: Anyone can see the group Anyone can see contents in the group Shown in the group list Closed Group: Anyone can see the group Only members can see contents in the group Shown in the group list Secret Group: Only members and authorized users (set in User Group Permissions) can see the group and its content Only authorized users (set in User Group Permissions) can create Secret Groups Group invitations: Send an invitation: Only Public and Closed Groups are supported. Each invitation sent, user will be received a notification. User can easily manage the invitations they received from Invited Groups page. Add users to group: Only Secret Groups are supported. This feature allows authorized members to add an user to the group without their permission. Notification system: Notification Alerts can be turned on/off. Each member has ability to choose either Forum Alerts or Email. You can find this feature in group navigation. Status Alerts. If this option is enabled, you will received notifications when a status posted in newsfeeds. This option only works when notification alerts are on. Other features: Ability to set one or more groups become Featured Groups Ability to transfer ownership to another user Much more….
    1 point
  3. Version 1.2.0


    This is a shoutbox widget that you can add in any of the available widget positions. Options: Shoutbox refresh interval - Allows you to set refresh interval for new messages. This option can be disabled. Maximum shout length - Set the maximum allows shout length. Shout display limit - Set the maximum number of shouts to display on page load. Delete shouts older than - Allows you to auto-delete shouts older than x days. Auto prune shoutbox every x hours. Auto prune message. Enable sound - Enable sound notification for new shouts. Enable avatars - Display user avatar in shout. Allow BB codes - Controls if BB codes are parsed or not. Enable auto link - Auto link/embed URLs and media sites. Reverse ordering - Place input box at the bottom and display new messages from the bottom to the top Footer - Allows you to add custom content (text, ads, etc) in the shoutbox footer. It has user group permissions for using shoutbox, editing/deleting shouts, prune shoutbox (/prune) When scrolling at the bottom of the shouts, older shouts will be automatically loaded. I don't plan to add new features to this add-on. If you want a feature rich chat application, then please see my Chat 2 add-on. Shoutbox demo is available here: https://www.siropu.com/forums/
    1 point
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