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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/07/2019 in all areas

  1. Version 3.0


    Say goodbye to WordPress themes! Forget about WordPress page builders. Oxygen is the new, better way to design your website. More Info
    1 point
  2. Version 1.1.0


    Donate With so many expenses, your organization can often find that offsetting costs with donations is a great way to produce continued quality services and better experiences for your guests. Enter [TH] Donate, a simple yet powerful donation manager. Run multiple campaigns at the same time. One for your server bill and another for that new software the community has been wanting to have. Looking for Donate for XenForo 1? You can find it by navigating here. Administrator Features Create campaigns for donations Create and manage multiple campaigns at a time Accept donations securely with Payment profiles including PayPal, Braintree, Stripe, and 2Checkout (additional option on PayPal provider to support donations) Disable campaigns for later use Create recurring campaigns and donations daily, monthly, or annually Set start and end dates Create and manage milestones Enable/disable milestones on campaigns Choose many different types of currencies Set donation goals See progress bar and completion percentage on front-end Write descriptions for your campaigns Make several widgets Support guest donations Enable/disable anonymous donations per campaign Support for guest donations View statistics on the latest forum donation totals Create preset donation amounts Show end of donation timer on the campaign widget and the donation page Move users to a specific user group once they match requirements set by user promotions Add a member page tab showing who has donated Receive notifications when a user donates or adds a comment User Features Give back to the forum they enjoy Make donations easily Show the total donations made on their profile Participate in the community by helping to reach donation goals
    1 point
  3. Version


    IP.Shoutbox from IPB3.4 to IPS4.2 Shoutbox is been rebuild for 4.2.x and at moment is not ready be upgraded from 3.4.x to 4.2.x but will be once we move on and fix bugs that allow us to have upgrade support. Ajax chat, auto update. Display as IPS widgets so place it where you. Sound notification and user can toggle on/off. Block users. Announcement. Support emotions, URL. Flood control. Display newer messages in top or bottom. Permissions for viewing, chatting & management. Edit/Delete messages.
    1 point
  4. Version 1.1.3


    Member and Staff Tools by @Fosters is a comprehensive suite of tools designed to help enhance and add missing functionality for Users and Moderators. Instead of a dozen small plugins, you can get one tool to handle some of the most-requested missing features of IPS 4: Account Deletion Report other members Approve validating members in front-end And much more! Member and Staff Tools will immediately empower your members and staff to be able to manage their accounts with useful features and enhancements. Staff Features ModCP Validating Member Approval - Your moderators will be able to manage the validating/approval waiting members on the front-end. ModCP Account Deletions - Your moderators will be able to handle deletion requests from members. Online Status - A green dot will be displayed next to a members name in topics showing his online status Banned Members - A strikethrough will cut through all names of banned members Member Features Account Deletion Request - Your members will be able to request to delete their account Member Report on Profile - Your members will be able to report other members directly from their profile Post Areas - A new tab on the User Profile will show how many posts the user made in each section Hide Profile to Guests - Your members will be able to hide their profile from guests for privacy If any actions are required, a new menu will appear to your moderators for quick access.
    1 point
  5. Version 1.0.0


    1 point
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