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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/29/2019 in all areas

  1. ? when members register do it Prevent them do they still show up on your community
    1 point
  2. ah yeah, okay so..lets wait
    1 point
  3. Version 1.2.2


    This application will let allowed users to change PRIMARY member groups or add groups to SECONDARY groups in Moderator Panel. Admins won't have their group changed. Settings: Display Change Group link in posts Staff Grups: these groups won't appear as option to the moderator Allowed groups: the groups will be allowed to change member groups on ModeratorCP.
    1 point
  4. Thank you. I just had to change the right: -100px; and make it right: +10px; instead of -100 to make it show on screen. The -100 had it off screen and so you could only just see the side of the icon. But got it sorted. Thanks heaps.
    1 point
  5. Version 2.0.5


    Integrate a TeamSpeak server with your community Features Display members TeamSpeak status on their profile. Caching available for this feature. Send global messages to TeamSpeak clients. Automatically synch TeamSpeak server groups using both Profile Fields and Member Groups. Integrate a TSViewer as a widget. Multiple UUIDs for members. TeamSpeak Ban/Unban from ACP. Edit the TeamSpeak Server information from ACP. Manage member UUIDs through ACP. Coming Soon Synch forum bans with TeamSpeak bans. Integrate Reputation into the TeamSpeak Server TeamSpeak 5 Integration (once it's out) Option to require a TeamSpeak UUID to use the forum Notes It is highly recommended that under System->Settings->Advanced Configuration you enable either `Use Cron` or `Use Web Service` for the Task Method and set it up as instructed. This way, your Tasks are not relying on traffic to your site. Members can add their TeamSpeak UUIDs by going to their member menu on the top right, and clicking 'Account Settings'. Their TeamSpeak UUIDs can be found under the 'TeamSpeak Settings' tab. Additional Information You can access the TeamSpeak Query Admin class from anywhere using the following code. // Connect to the TeamSpeak Server // ( // If a connection has already been established // during this PHP execution session, the current // connection will be used instead of a new one. // ) if (! \IPS\ts3integration\TsAdmin\TsAdmin::connectIPS()) { $tsError = \IPS\ts3integration\TsAdmin\TsAdmin::$tsError; // end execution } // Example \IPS\ts3integration\TsAdmin\TsAdmin::$tsAdmin->clientGetIds("osNiXxOSdfgl5nVJdtBipg/a+E4="); (See http://ts3admin.info/manual/classts3admin.html for documentation)
    -1 points
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