Tickets is a simple Pages database that emulates a ticket system.
In a few steps you can have your own ticket system installed and ready to interact with your members, without cost.
Each member will see their own tickets, so you must be logged in to view your content.
User: Test
Password: test
IPS Community Suite 4.2.8
Released 3/6/2018
Please note the following:
This distribution is not nulled. This is not recommended for use with live environments. A license key will be required.
A 'game server hosting control panel' or 'game control panel' that lets you create, manage and control game & voice servers. Linux & Windows Compatible.
php_mysql - Connects PHP to your MySQL server - required - try to write localhost ( or create a new db )
php version - GameCP requires PHP 5.4 or less - required - change version 5.4 (native ) because not have ionloader and other apps .
This version it's tested to me and work perfectly !
You are newbie try watch video here :
Setup Wizard encounterd an error
There have been one or more errors reported while trying to install GameCP.
php_mysql - Connects PHP to your MySQL server - required
php version - GameCP requires PHP 5.4 or less - required
Please correct any errors you see and try again.