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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/28/2018 in all areas

  1. Version 4.1.5


    Behemoth If you like what you see please give me that like! :)) ------------------------------------------------ ll ------------------------------------------------ Behemoth is a modern, Creative, Super advanced theme comes with a lot of customization's and features including responsive drop down navigation, Google fonts, custom html full-sized widgets, Advanced footer, Social links, News ticker, Custom forum category styles, Six of awesome article templates and a powerful touch slider that can be integrated with (IP.Content) as a complete package for infinite slider, theme colors are entirely customizable with easy settings, You can manually change ALL colors and switch between a Dark or White scheme with color settings. Dreadnought theme is beautifully responsive and mobile friendly, it is best suitable for Gaming website, Included with Dozen of useful settings and features for example adding a fixed social link on sidebar or footer, also two custom widgets to show on top or bottom of your website you can place it anywhere you want for example Registration page, Login page, Staff directory page, Search page, User profiles page...etc) You can also set user group permissions for each of the widgets Demo Features Swiper Slider Swiper is a modern touch slider beautifully designed to show your articles and custom slides, You can add custom slides and feeds from (Pages) app, comes with a lot of settings and customization's to work the way you desire. You can choose where to show the slider for example Forums only, or any of IPS applications You can also exclude the slider from showing on pages like register, Login, Search, Activity, topics...etc) Including all IPS applications You can add 5 custom and sortable sliders within theme settings, All sliders have its own Usergroup permissions You can also add a (Pages) feed block to show database records in the slider with a customized template made especially for slider. News Ticker Responsive and easy to use news ticker, Add as many tickers as you want all within theme options, You can also show a (Pages) database records in the news ticker. Change auto scrolling speed, Change title, Customizable colors. Custom Widgets Add Two fully customizable custom widgets to show on top or bottom of your website, You can place it anywhere you want for example Registration page, Login page, Staff directory page. Search page, User profiles page...etc) You can also set user group permissions for each of the widgets, Great for guest messages, or to use it for custom ads and/or custom html. Header & Navigation Slick, flexible and responsive header comes with a lot of options to customize, All colors are customizable with settings including many more useful options to customize the way you want, Show your website navigation in a beautiful drop down, drop up, fading, sliding effects, Optionally enable or disabling sticky navigation on scroll, Use a custom google font for navigation, Change menus text alignment, Change font size, chnage background color transparency, Two different menus hover effects...etc). Extra Footer Extra footer is a simple and responsive footer layout, you can add Links, Add (Pages) database records, Site Informations. Fully customizable colors with settings, You can also add a background image to apply on footer. Style your forum categories This theme included with an awesome feature which allows you to style your forum categories, For example adding a different background color gradients, Title background and color, or a cover to the forum section. Comes with 3 rules, with each rules You can select multiple forum categories to apply the styles. Web Font Loader Change website font to any custom font from google fonts site, all you have to do is typing your desired font name to apply. Change the body font to any custom font, Additionally you can also change the navigation font separately. Ultimate colors. Without touching a line of code, Theme colors are completely customizable with settings, You can easily change any element color on the theme to your desired colors, switch between a white or dark theme ALL within theme color settings, Personalize colors as desired of everything on the website E.g. Body, Wrapper, Headers, Navigation, User bar, Side bars, Footer, Titles, Topics, Author panels, Editor, Reactions, Messages, Pop-up, Breadcrumb, Reactions...etc) A different article styles This theme included with a free copy of «A different article styles» A beautiful design to Show your Pages database and blocks with six different styles, you can set the styles on the main (pages) database page and/or as blocks anywhere on the website. A plugin to customize the styles. With the plugin You can change the style colors and some useful settings to resize article images - Responsive and pixel-perfect design. Styles One column Two column Three column Two column first featured Three column first featured and a mini news feed block Feature
    1 point
  2. Version 1.0.2


    This pluign will add a slider on file view to display other files from the file submitter. Settings: Number of files to display Type of files display: start date or random files Requirement: Downloads
    1 point
  3. Version 2.0.2


    2 display modes: Grid view & List view. Categories/subcategories. Custom fields for video's informations. Protected custom fields that only display for logged members, or who liked the video. Search videos by custom fields. Video Collections: create/edit/remove the collections for your videos. Widgets: top poster, top videos, random videos, featured videos in slider, collections in carousel, quick search by custom fields,... Pages system: easy to add new page with custom content. Uploading or using external video url (supports: mp4, m4v, webm, flv, rmtp, youtube, vimeo, dailymotion). Using VideoJS Framework to play video formats: mp4, m4v, webm, flv. Full support for VTT captions. Watermark on video player. Media Tags system to define your custom player embedded from any video services (YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion...). Live Streams for Twitch.tv, Mixer.com and Smashcast.tv. Friendly URL. Comment system. Rating system. Following system. Clubs (IPS 4.2.x) *New* Reactions (IPS 4.2.x) *New* Tags. Latest Videos RSS feed. Pages system: easy to add new page with custom content. WORKING FINE FOR v4.2.7
    1 point
  4. This is what I see. When I open the image in a new tab it looks to retain the same quality i see in thi picture, too.
    1 point
  5. This snippet of code should be able to remove the Pip Rank name. ul.cAuthorPane_info.ipsList_reset .ipsType_break { display: none; } As for the image, it's peculiar, I haven't experienced that before. Is your page zoomed in perhaps? From the looks of the screenshot the username stays large and in quality, but the image does not. On my end on your site it isn't looking like yours. Perhaps your page may be zoomed in to the point where your image has been blown up which reduces the quality. Just an idea, though. Otherwise I'm not very sure of the problem.
    1 point
  6. In your CSS, I would search for this line: .ipsUserPhoto_tiny img Within that, there should be a "box-shadow" line. Remove that and it should remove the shadow for you. Sorry if this is hard to understand, I'm not very good without being able to see it live. If you don't understand what I mean, you could message me your forum link and I can give a more detailed fix. Same should be for the font-awesome icons, I'm just unsure what CSS class that would be under, perhaps a search for "font-awesome" in your CSS and doign the same process as above could help with that!
    1 point
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Facebook reactions - includes a PSD file and also transparent png-s with high and low resolution to use in your forum to replace the standard reactions icons.
    1 point
  8. Version 1.1.2


    Infraskew is a universal style for the IPS Community Suite 4.2 forum. A unique footer, a news sticker, a slider, templates for applications and much more.
    1 point
  9. Version 1.0.0


    [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Show custom message to user group in stylish way.[/size][/font][/color]
    1 point
  10. Version 1.0.0


    This is the first version of a gaming theme. Was created for a romanian gaming community, but we decided to switch the theme with a more simple theme. If it's something missing and doesn't work, just post a comment and i'll try to update and see what's missing. In the near future maybe i'll update this theme with the pop-up profile.
    -1 points
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