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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/21/2017 in all areas

  1. Version 1.1.2


    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future. This plugin will record each visit made by users from selected groups to topics of specific forums. Settings: Record single visit: if disabled, a flood control setting will appear to set a number of minutes to avoid recording consecutive visits to the same topic Groups that WILL NOT have their visits to the topic logged Forums Groups allowed to view the visitors list List sort by and list direction Guests are not logged Important: When I inherited this file there was a bug in the uninstall routine. A tiny syntax error. If you've never attempted to uninstall this file before just upgrade to the latest version and you should be fine. If you have attempted to uninstall before you may end up with problems trying to reinstall this ever again. You can try to clear out database elements (many places) and clear your IPS server directory of the plugin files and that may help or maybe it won't. All I have to go on is someone's very broken IPS installation and honestly I don't even think this plugin was ever the problem but it did get caught up in the mess. This file is unsupported! I'm releasing what is effectively a duplicate of this plugin with minimal support soon, and a paid (cheap) version with more template options that will have support. This file will remain as-is from this point forward. What's New in Version 1.1.2 Fixed uninstall routine
    1 point
  2. Version 2.2.4


    Build trust in your community, or forum-based marketplace with the Trader Feedback System. This application allows members to leave feedback for each other on forum transactions. Members can leave positive, negative, or neutral feedback Optional or mandatory link in feedback to the topic or classifieds item where the deal took place (currently IP.Board 3 only) Integrates with IP.Board's notification system (currently IP.Board 3 only) Integrates feedback information in member profiles Restrict access and features based on user group Source code is completely un-encoded One-click install. No file edits required. Captcha on Feedback Submission Flood Control on Feedback Submission Integration with Classifieds (currently IP.Board 3 only) Includes Content Spy support. (currently IP.Board 3 only) Upgrading Please see the included documentation for upgrade instructions Bugs If you find any bugs in this product, please report them to our bug tracker. Support If you require any support for this product please create a Technical Support ticket in the Client Area. You will need to register for an account, please use your IPS email address to make it easier to verify that you have an active license for the product. Please note There are three files available for download, they are for IPS 4.0, IPS 4.1 and IP.Board 3.4. Please make sure you use the correct version for your community.
    1 point
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Thai Language pack for IPB 3.4.x [ by pinnerz ] พินเชื่อว่าเป็นไฟล์ที่หลายๆคนกำลังตามหาอยู่ พินไปขุดเจอมาเลยเอามาแจกนะค้ะ ( พินได้แก้ไขคำผิดไปเยอะเลย ) ยังไงก็ฝาก +1 ให้ด้วยน๊าาาา <3 ใครมาโหลดไปก็เม้นขอบคุณบ้างไรบ้างนะค้ะ ถ้ามีแต่คนโหลดแต่ปล่อยทู้เงียบขออนุญาติไม่แจกต่อน๊า Spoiler Thai Language Pack For 3.4.x วิธีติดตั้ง Quote เป็นอันเรียบร้อยค่ะ <3
    1 point
  4. Version


    This is the translation for IPS Community Suite 4 and its app this translation contain a full translation for the ACP and front end Core Calendar Pages Downloads Forums Blogs Gallery
    1 point
  5. Version 3.4.x-3.4.7


    Премиум кожи для foroxtreme.net Автор: Youjeam МБМ 3.4.х
    1 point
  6. 200 downloads

    RPGCity skin is edited Animate theme. This skin is great for gaming community or gaming network! Try it! =]
    1 point
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