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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/12/2016 in all areas

  1. Version 3.1.13


    Allows your members to submit their own videos for community viewing. Support is included for all the major video sites. Feature List: Support included for share links on view video page. Support for category permissions. Set who can add videos, edit videos, delete videos, add comments, edit comments, delete comments per group. Support for per category settings, including view category, view and add video permissions and discussion topics. Ajax rating system with per group permissions who can rate and even who can change their votes. Default per category settings for sort and filter as well as number of videos per page. Support for YouTube thumbnails. Thumbnails are downloaded and saved locally for display next to videos when new videos are added using media urls. (See below for which sites are supported.) Quick add video option, enter the media url and category and the system will attempt to get the video title/description automatically. (Not all media urls supported.) Support for category or video following. Support for IPB's tag class for videos. Per category or globally created discussion topics. RSS feed for new videos added and per category rss feed export added for each category.
    2 points
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Purchased this $99.99 theme myself, felt like sharing with you people. Be sure the smash the button if you like this theme. ________________________________________________________________ Live Demo Sales Page
    1 point
  3. 660 downloads

    Don't be a leech, click the reputation button if you want to get more files in the future. This plugin places an online indicator next to usernames in posts and private conversations messages. You are able to specify the Font Awesome icon for both statuses, online and offline. Compatible with Community Suite 4.1.15+ What's New in Version 1.0.5 - Added some settings. - Support for round avatars.
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. i can confirm that it works on that note i would like so say thanks
    1 point
  6. Version


    An all-in-one Status Updates widget block, loaded with features, all available on the front page of your IPB! Easy to install, supported by IPS 4.1x, and includes essential enhancements to the stock Status Updates system. - Features: Toggle between Rich Text and Plain Text. Extended tool-list includes Reputation and other options. Front page attachments support. View or add replies. Choose whose Status updates to view. View older Status updates. Edit option for both Status updates and replies. Live-updates for both status and comment feeds. (currently unavailable) - Demo 1.0: - Note to members who purchased the plugin prior to 1/7/16: This is NOT the same Status Feed Upgrades plugin that was featured on this page, so make sure to uninstall it before installing the Advanced Status Updates plugin. Also, do not upgrade from Status Feed Upgrades to Advanced Status Updates. The main reason the previous plugin has been replaced with this one is due to conflicts between templates and hooks over the stock widget block. This plugin was made as a completely separate block, so as to minimize that risk. - Widget Settings: All widget settings are available through the widget settings block, under the block manager view. The default widget settings (except for the widget title) are available through the plugin setting's "Default Settings" tab. Widget title - The title of the widget block. Defaults to "Recent Status Updates". Number per page - How many status updates should be loaded per page? Load older updates? - Allow loading more than a single page of status updates? Display upload area? - Determines whether or not to display the upload area for Status Updates on the front page. Status height limit - The number of lines to limit the status height to. Status types included - Determines the types of status updates to display - status updates, profile posts, or both. Rich text format? - Determines whether a status should be loaded as rich text by default, or not. Display profile photos? - If enabled, profile photos will appear next to updates by default. - Plugin Settings: Plugin settings are available through the acp > plugins view. Override default widget? - Enable to display Advanced Status Updates widget instead of the built-in one. Search filter available? - Enable to allow by-member filter option. For support or suggestions don't hesitate to use the dedicated support thread. No comment goes unnoticed.
    1 point
    Great mod and it works well. My only suggestion would be allow us to have multiple messages and specify which one we would like to use on a per-forum basis.
    1 point
  7. Version 1.0.0


    TICKER: Responsive Countdown Clock Landing PageTICKER – is a responsive Countdown Clock Landing page with a creative live countdown clock. The first and the only template with a real radial ticking clock-face (adjusting to your region). Ticker is designed for temporary usage. You can use this theme for your Landing Page or Coming Soon Page, until the main site is under construction. Thus you will make your start-up outstanding and promote your new application or website. Demo
    1 point
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