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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/06/2016 in all areas

  1. Hello guys, before some days i finished my first complete website template and i wanted to show you my work Here is a preview of my website template. *The name is used for preview only* Here is the preview:
    1 point
  2. 4,100 downloads

    [color=rgb(90,90,90)][font=tahoma][size=3][background=rgb(252,252,252)][size=6]Deflection[/size][/background][/size][/font][/color] [b]Description:[/b] [color=rgb(90,90,90)][font=tahoma][size=3][background=rgb(252,252,252)]Deflection is a clean, dark skin for IPB 3.x and is perfect for clans or gaming themed communities.[/background][/size][/font][/color] [b]Compatible with:[/b] [color=rgb(90,90,90)][font=tahoma][size=3][background=rgb(252,252,252)]The latest versions of IP.Board 3.4.x[/background][/size][/font][/color] [b]Additional info:[/b] [color=rgb(90,90,90)][font=tahoma][size=3][background=rgb(252,252,252)]The skin comes with a psd file for the logo and is compatible with all major, modern browsers including Internet Explorer 8/9, Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Opera.[/background][/size][/font][/color]
    1 point
  3. Version 1.0.9


    About This File Very clean a skin with advanced features designed for the IPS 4.x. Fully customizable with features you can create a website that you want. Nerva with advanced features designed for the IPS 4.x is a clean skin. Nerva was rebuilt with skin v1.0.1 release. We attach great importance to the fact that we produce the skin at the same time user-friendly. Product Details
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. -Edited- AdminCP > Members > Moderators > Edit the group / user Make sure you click "Uncheck all" This will give you posibility for adding manual permissions
    1 point
  6. Try see if you can add only a user on the same level does it give you the options then ?
    1 point
  7. AdminCP > Members > Moderators > Edit (Pencil on group or user) This should give you something like this
    1 point
  8. So two steps. Create a moderator / Moderator group AdminCP > Members > Moderators Here you can add your moderators either as a group (any usergroup) or as a single person Once added you can edit their permissions. Under the setting "Forum" you can add the forums they are allowed to moderate. If all is selected person / group is a global moderator. You can also set permissions for warnings, locking topics etc. Hope this helps :)
    1 point
  9. Also make sure you check your .htaccess file that its not set to redirect the wrong way. Technically you can try replace your .htaccess file with this code and see if it works (should be pretty standard) <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> Options -MultiViews RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /forums/ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule \.(js|css|jpeg|jpg|gif|png|ico)(\?|$) /forums/404error.php [L,NC] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule . /forums/index.php [L] </IfModule> This is based that the forum is in yourdomain.com/forums If its not please edit the /forums/404error.php to correct path. (this is just a 404 error page I have, so if you dont have it remove the line.
    1 point
  10. The code for edit is either in .author_info or .user_details
    1 point
  11. Hello and welcome to Webflake @Mihnea When you talk about forum icons. We talking FontAwesome icons ? or normal icons / images To change a category or forum icon, you can edit the forum and upload it there, like a image. AdminCP > Community > Forums > Select your Forum (Click on the pencil) > Icon
    1 point
  12. U can't look at http://soultibian.6te.net/forum/index.php?/topic/3-teste/#entry13? Okay thanks for trying :/ Well you locked it down so need a membership and guests can't view it and i can't read spanish and answer questions to register :P
    1 point
  13. 163 downloads

    TheTechGame.com skin ripped and ported to IPB.
    -1 points
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