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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/05/2016 in all areas

  1. Version 2.0.1


    DP33's Forum Icon allow you to put/replace default forum's icons.
    1 point
  2. Version 4.9.2


    More Control and Lighter Interface Visual Composer 4.8 offers smart controls for easy and powerful user group role access. Now you can reduce number of options and features available to your content editors or people with non-IT skills. This results in less things to learn in order to start managing content of your site. Carefully crafted preview of templates allows you to see Backend editor style template layouts before adding them to your page or post. There is no more need to remember title of each and every template within your list - simply reveal preview and decide yourself if this is a best match for your page. User Group Roles Access Powerful control mechanisms for managing options and features available for different user group roles. Template Preview See before you add - now you can reveal quick Backend editor style preview of any template including Grid Builder templates. Minimized CSS Minimized CSS allows reducing size of Visual Composer plugin and also have positive effect on overall performance as there is less data to load. Other valuable features Element Presets Controls API Control element presets and set default by using Visual Composer API. Separator Enhancements Add icons to "Separator with Text" and use new shadow style in both separator elements. Welcome Screen Design More clean and simple Blank Welcome Screen design focusing on most important parts. Load More Button in Grid Load more button in Grid elements are now using latest button with all available features.
    1 point
  3. Hey Guys and Gals! I am iZephyrs I have been using Webflake for a while now for most of my IPB needs and it has served me well and I suppose I feel its time to get to know the lovely people that provide all the amazing resources that we use! I own a small gaming community and have been using Webflake for pretty much all of our resources from skins to hooks and I have to say that nothing has ever broken that has come from Webflake! Keep up the good work all and have a lovely new year! (albeit 5 days into the near year).
    1 point
  4. So how about this <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> .innocent-class { background: url(http://www.google.com/images/logos/ps_logo2.png); width: 240px; height: 400px } .justForTesting, .advertise_ads { width: 240px; height: 400px; background: #fff } </style> </head> <body> <div class="innocent-class"> <!-- just don't call it "advertContainer" :) --> <div class="advertise_ads justForTesting"> advert here! </div> </div> </body> </html>When Adblock Plus finds an element with a class (for example) .advertise_ads, it will hide that element. If it does, the "please don't block my ads!" background-image (in this case, the Google logo) from the parent element will be visible. If the advert isn't blocked, the advert will cover the replacement image. Try changing advertise_ads to something else such as sdpfjsdfjp, and the advert will be visible.
    1 point
    1S111/1 XMLReader::readString(): /tmp/IPSJyqmX0:227: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document
    1 point
  5. Version 1.6.3


    ForumEngine instantly transforms your Wordpress site into a powerful and sleek designed forum!
    1 point
  6. Version 3.1.0


    Total time Spent on Forums This is ipb 3.3 version not sure if it works on 3.4
    1 point
  7. Version 1.0


    OVER $16,000 WORTH OF PREMIUM PLUGINS!! ENJOY! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 86 PREMIUM WooCommerce Addons/Plugins 24 PREMIUM Gravity Forms Addons/Plugins 1 DEVELOPER Copy of Gravity Forms 1 FULL Copy of iThemes - Backup Buddy 5PREMIUM WooThemes Plugins/Addons [ PLUGIN LIST ] ( * ALL PLUGINS ARE LATEST VERSION * ) Affiliate Pro 2.7.1 Affiliate Pro All Addons (One ZIP File) WooCommerce Affiliate Pro Extension 1.4.1 iThemes Backupbuddy Gravity Forms Plugin Gravity Form Addons: Gravity Forms Active Campaign 1.3.1 Gravity Forms Authorizenet 2.1.5 Gravity Forms Aweber 2.3 Gravity Forms Campaign Monitor 3.4.1 Gravity Forms Coupons 2.2 Gravity Forms Dropbox 1.1.3 Gravity Forms Freshbooks 2.2.3 Gravity Forms Help Scout 1.2.5 Gravity Forms Mailchimp 3.7.1 Gravity Forms Paypal 2.5.3 Gravity Forms Paypal Payments Pro 1.8.2 Gravity Forms Quiz 2.4.4 Gravity Forms Signature 2.3.11 Gravity Forms Slack 1.3.1 Gravity Forms Stripe 1.9.4 Gravity Forms Survey 2.6 Gravity Forms User Registration 2.4.4 Gravity Forms Zapier 1.8 WooCommerce Groups 1.9.1 WooCommerce Account Funds 2.0.5 WooCommerce Postcode/Address Validation 1.7.2 WooCommerce Admin Custom Order Fields 1.4.1 WooCommerce Advanced Product Labels 1.0.4 WooCommerce Amazon S3 Storage 2.1.2 WooCommerce Bookings 1.8.4 WooCommerce Cart Addons 1.5.8 WooCommerce Cart Notices 1.4.1 WooCommerce Cart Reports 1.1.8 WooCommerce Catalog Visibility Options 2.7.0 WooCommerce Chained Products 2.3.6 WooCommerce Checkout Addons 1.6.2 WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor 1.4.9 WooCommerce Compare Products Pro 2.2.1 WooCommerce Composite Products 3.3.2 WooCommerce Conditional Content 1.1.5 WooCommerce Customer History 1.1.11 WooCommerce Customer Order CSV Export 3.10.2 WooCommerce Customer/Order/Coupon CSV Import Suite 2.8.0 WooCommerce Customer/Order XML Export Suite 1.5.0 WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing 2.10.5 WooCommerce Facebook Tab 1.1.9 WooCommerce Follow up Emails 4.4.7 WooCommerce Force Sells 1.1.7 WooCommerce Free Gift Coupons 1.0.8 WooCommerce Authorize.net CIM 2.0.7 WooCommerce Authorize.net DPM 1.5.2 WooCommerce Paypal Adaptive Payments 1.1.4 WooCommerce Paypal Advanced 1.20 WooCommerce Paypal Digital Goods 3.2.1 WooCommerce Paypal Express 3.5.1 WooCOmmerce Paypal Pro 4.4.1 WooCommerce Stripe 2.5.4 WooCommerce Give Product 1.0.5 WooCommerce Gravity Forms Product Addons 2.10.2 WooCommerce Group Coupons 1.5.0 WooCommerce Help Scout Extension 1.2 WooCommerce Instagram 1.0.7 WooCommerce Memberships 1.3.8 WooCommerce Min/Max Quantities 2.3.8 WooCommerce Name Your Price 2.3.3 WooCommerce Newsletter Subscriptions 2.2.4 WooCommerce One Page Checkout 1.2.4 WooCommerce Order/Customer CSV Export 3.9.1 WooCommerce Order Barcodes 1.2.1 WooCommerce PDF Invoices 3.1.7 WooCommerce PDF Product Vouchers 2.4.1 WooCommerce Print Invoices & Packing List (pip) 2.6.1 WooCommerce Points and Rewards 1.5.5 WooCommerce Pre-Orders 1.4.4 WooCommerce Product Add-Ons 2.7.13 WooCommerce Product Bundles 4.12.0 WooCommerce Product CSV Import Suite 1.10.7 WooCommerce Product Documents 1.3.1 WooCommerce Product Finder 1.2.0 WooCommerce Product Gallery Slider 1.4.1 WooCommerce Product Retailers 1.5.1 WooCommerce Product Search 1.4.1 WooCommerce Products of the Day 1.1.3 WooCommerce Product Support 2 WooCommerce Product Vendors 1.2.3 WooCommerce Quick View 1.1.4 WooCommerce Recommendation Engine 3.0.0 WooCommerce Review for Discount 1.6 WooCommerce Sales Report Email 1.1.1 WooCommerce Sequential Order Numbers Pro 1.8.1 WooCommerce Fedex Shipping 3.3.3 WooCommerce UPS Shipping Method 3.1.2 WooCommerce USPS Shipping 4.2.121 WooCommerce Shipstation 4.1.2 WooCommerce Smart Coupons 3.0.6 WooCommerce Social Login 1.6.0 WooCommerce Software Add-on 1.6.1 WooCommerce Splash Popup 1.2.1 WooCommerce Store Credit 2.1.3 WooCommerce Stripe 2.6.4 WooCommerce Newsletter Subscriptions 2.3.0 WooCommerce Subscription Downloads 1.1.0 WooCommerce Subscriptions 2.0.6 WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping 2.9.2 WooCommerce Tabs Manager 1.4.1 WooCommerce Terms and Conditions Popup 1.0.0 WooCommerce URL Coupons 2.1.4 WooCommerce Waitlist 1.4.5 WooCommerce Wishlist 1.9.5 WooCommerce Zapier 1.5 WooSlider 2.2.2 WooSlider Products Slideshow 1.0.9 Wootheme Sensei 1.8.8 WooCommerce Tickets 3.12.1
    -1 points
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